Can't get importer v. 1.6.2 working in Blender 3.3.1 on Linux Mint

Issue #1290 resolved
Jester Tickett created an issue

Hi there,

I’ve just tried installing the latest (1.6.2) version of the Diffeo importer into Blender (3.3.1 running on Linux Mint). I followed the latest advice and deleted import_daz and mhx_rts before (re) installing. However, I still get this error message:

I’d appreciate any advice you could give :)

Comments (8)

  1. Jester Tickett reporter

    I’ve just re-installed 1.6.1 successfully, so this seems to be something specific to 1.6.2.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I thought that os.getlogin() was a safe, standard function, but it seems as it can cause problems in some situations on Linux. The call was not essential and is now removed, so the plugin should load fine.

    Since I don’t have access to Linux I’m interested in any problems that are specific to a case-sensitive OS, like missing assets. If you have problems with that, please turn up Verbosity = 5 in the global settings. That should generate an error which tells me where the error occurred.

    However, first you must Scan Absolute Paths in the Utilities panel. That happened automatically on startup before, but somebody with a large database complained that scanning took too much time, so now it has to be done manually instead.

  3. Jester Tickett reporter

    Hi Thomas, thanks for the rapid reply!

    My version of Blender has auto-updated to 3.4, so two variables have changed since we last spoke (that, and the tweaks you made to Diffeo 1.6.2 to the os.getlogin() function).

    We’ve still got problems, although the error message is new when I try to install 1.6.2 in Blender:

    please turn up Verbosity = 5 in the global settings. That should generate an error which tells me where the error occurred.

    However, first you must Scan Absolute Paths in the Utilities panel. That happened automatically on startup before, but somebody with a large database complained that scanning took too much time, so now it has to be done manually instead.

    Sure thing. Err… I’m a bit of an idiot, though. Is that supposed to be found under Edit ==> Preferences in Blender?

  4. Jester Tickett reporter

    Victory! Thanks Thomas. Your patience when dealing with n00bs such as me is a sight to behold. I have set Verbosity in Global Settings to 5.

  5. Jester Tickett reporter

    Removal of os.getlogin() function solved problem. Thanks again to Thomas.

    Linux users, make sure to use either download the repository with git, or download the dev version as a zip file. The link to 1.6.2 on the main Diffeomorphic page can fail on install for us.

    Also, remember to make a clean install by removing old files first, see

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