I'm trying to import a genesis eight female and her genesis face controls but face controls aren't working in blender

Issue #1293 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I'm using diffeomorphic 1.6.2 and when I import this model my import settings look like this… the attached example for face controls image… in daz studio after I import as in the image I select just the face controls as in other attached image… titled how I select face controls ….and then I click the button convert to widgets. I then select the converted widget bones that it makes go into pose mode then I moved the lip widget controller and nothing happened…. As in final image that I attached… can somebody please help me with this so excited to use face controls in blenders why

Comments (14)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    You need to load the facs for the controls to work.

    note for Thomas. You may want to rename “face controls“ to “facs controls“ in merge rigs since these are for facs. Also “convert to widgets“ may be renamed “make facs widgets“ and included in merge rigs since it’s integral to that.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Facs is selected in easy import so it is not that. Perhaps one has to select things differently, I don’t remember. There is an option in easy import to convert to widgets, did you try that?

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Easy import works fine here with “convert to widgets“. I would recommend not to use facs and units together, it’s either units for G3 G8 or facs for G8 G81, since units and facs are different controls to pose the face, think of facs as “face units 2.0”.

    note. Again may be in easy import we could move “convert to widgets“ under “merge rigs“.

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Thank you so much you guys deserve a parade…I just realized Blender gets all this hype and DAZ Studio does too.. but you've created a program named Blender&DAZ because of how intelligent your code is written… Actually a Parade and a Billion Dollars.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Just to stress that I only help a little here, the code and the plugin and the docs are entirely by Thomas.

    Marking as invalid as I understand it is a user error.

  6. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Anything at all I mean Blenders isnt just one person it's entire organization…You are important…

    below are some ideas that might help you fine tune your approach… If you can improve upon them then that's an even better approach…

    You guys should run an advertising campaign like real advertising goes cuz BLENDER is a real worldwide product there should be TV commercials for that And there should be TV commercials for DIFFEOMORPHIC… Or well advertised YouTube marketing if that's too heavy….

    If you don't…even if you did…. that's the angle I'm gonna take in my “How to Create a Sitcom in Blender(Possible with DAZ)” Series(in which workflow is incredibly fast with DAZ and BLENDER to render for Speed..) While making it I'll just try and drop some TV quality commercials for Diffeomorphic… Maybe post here And see if you guys like it then maybe pay a guy off Fiverr and see what A good marketing approach would be….for starters….I'm new to this…

    I created some tutorials called Real Time Animation in Blender which utilizes DIFFeoMORPHIC https://youtu.be/pl1hRpd2-sM

    just finished a second part yesterday


    because I found out some information here that allowed to get Real time animation with hair… Before it didn't have hair you had to have a bald character but I'm getting 24 frames per sec in Solid Mode at least …maybe even render mode ….my 1st video was 24 frames per Second in Render mode… But havent test this one yet..These videos use the Blender Normal Groups Add on to get 24fps

    Which I think you guys should implement as well… If at all possible…

    because that really the pimp's DIFFEOmorphic… the code is free on github maybe you could talk to the guy that runs it and see if you could implement that into Diffeomorphic that would be freaking awesome… It's just a node …if you click a button it changes All the normal maps on your character clothes hair everything to use an optimized normal map mode…. Maybe make it a standard setting you can turn off if you don't want global settings… Then DIFFEOMorphic is now a 150% cooler🤣(I LOVE YANSCULPTS)

    Also came up with a new way to sculpt morphs in Blender …using a Rigged G8 base at base resolution…no eyebrows…it leverages the power of diffeomorphic… it's way more cool than the standard way…. here it is….


    Maybe if somebody on your team watched….or a talenteted person that reads this…was like a rock star and used, this cooler method…to easily create a new character for Daz for instance

    I'm kind of new to sculpting morphs…is why… Anyway I'll start practicing that and see if I could come up with a rock star commercial snippet using it… And come up with other stuff too…other rock star stuff…

    Like ( My best one if somebody could improve it and be even more rock star like) I use 32 bit DAZ make character w clothes hair …save File… …add my face controls to my character…export to blender with difffeo…make a phrase with replica software….add my mimic I usually add one of these I found online After removing the head from the mimic animation https://zonegfx.com/2343-animatios-for-g8-in-duf/ Don't know if we could tout that pack because I don't know if Adobe would like it….. But this pack gives you so much power somebody should try and sell one this awesome on DAZ STORE it would sell like hot cakes …

    ANYWAY….save pose bring base character wo animation into blender add animation w import action… And fine tune with face controls and body morphs… I've practiced a bit so that's easy but I can always bring in my face control phoneme morphs if i need to… in almost no button clicks at all you're halfway to a completed scene…. cuz you used Diffeo and brought in A Daz House for instance…and used EVEE EXPRESS LIGHTING…and changed the carpet with Extreme Pbr blender addon….

    That's my current workflow and

    I'm even pimping that more as weeks go by……

    But I'll do an Ian Hubert like one minute tutorial where I do all this stuff… Call it part one of my “Create a Sitcom in Blender” series because I don't like to waste my viewers time …

    And maybe use the same tutorial fine tuned with ENVATO…and even flashier editing…editing in my Sculpting morphs on a rigged character rock star performance….

    gonna try….😀for a DIFFEOMORPHIC!AkaDAZ&BLENDER Commercial…

    And you guys should have a website Just like the Blender addon Extreme PBR did…maybe even better…I could help there too… And make money by leveraging DAZ and Blender advertising on it so it's themic…and still pretty….start off simple… TO Really tout the fact that you have created a new piece of software…out of DAZ AND BLENDER…it would get DAZ AND BLENDER AND DIFFEO INTO WAY MORE HANDS!.. Because the awesome workflow it provides!

    Anyway take care yeah when I wake up and have my morning coffee I get all these ideas….🙂…

  7. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK I tested it and uh with the easy import daz preferences picture that you posted it worked I had to use face units instead of facs on my g8f and when I brought it into blender I had to select the face controls which when they came in were still a mesh and then convert those to widgets and I unchecked delete unused and then I have this which is more than enough to have fun but it doesn't seem to be all of the face controls but still I could live off this for like two years or something so you know any advice would be cool but I'm still pretty good

  8. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Oh yeah genius way to convert daz to blender widgets that's just genius so awesome

  9. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And I just tested if anybody is reading this looking for hints yes you can import all your phonemes poses from Face Controls in the Blender and it works just awesome…. I'm gonna set import action to my blender quick actions so it's quick and have a shortcut to my Facs + Phonemes folder where the phonemes are in…. Finally Lip sync animation is Blender is easy….

  10. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And another update that would be handy when you're importing phonemes poses from face controls to do some super quick lip sync animation would be an option in import action for current frame.. Because then in this case importing poses and having them be put precisely would be really cool… this would help for everything even…. Give you some real speed when animating your characters…. maybe even have an option to mimic the way DAZ does it it just places any action you IMPORT right where the playhead is…. With an option to turn that off if it creeps out some blender users …..And a lot of blender add-ons change the way the blender interface works imagine if when you installed diffeomorphic and you tick a option or something so it's not intrusive ….but then there was a XYZ scale above the scale X scale Y and scale Z in blender object properties…

  11. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And I just brought in the whole folder full of Facs + Phonemes from face controls and I do like how to arrange them all neatly one after the other on my timeline … but if you gave an option to hide the PNG files that would be better because now I have duplicated poses phoneme poses on my timeline because diffeomorphic considers a PNG file to be the actual pose also it seems… and blender doesn't seem to have an option on top of yours too hide the PNG files either that I can notice… but definitely all these ideas if you implement any of them…. It would be better to have them as options that you could tick off because like with the PNG files those look nice…

  12. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    sort by extension seems to work ….blenders I just found out…. But it would be just one step cleaner to have a box you tick on import action preferences hide PNG

  13. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Came up with a new catch phrase for efficiency when we have saved as many button clicks as we can than what we have the new thing becomes a new entity that we could then evaluate in a new light…

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