Make generated materials from same surface use a Blender Node group rather than using the material editor.

Issue #1302 resolved
Elise Sucet created an issue

Hello and thank you for great work on this addon.

As far as i understand the current way of editing every material from a surface as a whole is to use the inbuild addon material editor, but that’s quite limited, unclear and not as interactive as the blender node editor.

For pretty much all my character i end up creating a Blender Node Material Group that i use in all my skin-surface related slot with every node inside of it except image ones, this way every change within the Node group automatically apply to every skin material slot (arms / torso / face / legs).

Creating manually the Group node and applying on each material take not that long, but if it could be generated out of the box it would be pretty more handfull than the addon’s material editor imho.

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