What type of jcms (Joint controller morph) this plug in can import?

Issue #131 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I hope Thomas summarize which type of jcm we can import with new “import Custom Jcms”

I usually make my character which only use one shape morph as 100 percent, in daz studio. (after mix many morphs, I merge them with daz morph importer etc) then make character jcms to show better shape, when posing. .

So I suppose this plug in will import my custom character jcms as same as base figure jcms. But it may only work correctly, if I only use one shape morph.

As you know daz base figures come with base jcms. then this plug in can import most of them.

At same time, Most of daz characters (shape morph for base figures), may come with each character jcms.

Those Character jcms only work when the character morph are applied with the ratio”

If my current import character use Aiko morph as 0.3 and Victoria as 0.7 , (the morph shape will be baked and imported to blender with rig transform), those character jcms need to be mutlipled and added.

Aiko jcms will be imported and need to be multipled with 0.3, and Victoria jcms will be multipled with 0.7, then added to base jcms, when character pose.

That means, if we import character jcms like Aiko or Victoria (not base figures, but for character to corrective) or your custom mix character (most of us use mix many shape morphs) plug in need to check, the ratio of each character morphs which baked (imported) to blender.

But those shape morph ratio values are only recorded in saved scene duf and dbz file, I think. Then if plug in record those character shape morph values one by one, we can import those character jcms too (about simple case) . Then plug in may auto multiple those character morph ratio, then set each character jcm (shape keys) value when posing.

But as actual case,, I do not think it work effectively. because, it may need to import too many shape keys as jcms. if we mix 3 character morph, it need to import 3 characer jcms with base jcms about some poses to show same defomation in daz studio.

But if user made custom jcms which only work with your character shape as 100 percent, (so do not need multiple with because it need to work as 100 percent) , I suppose this plug in can import them correctly.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    As you guessed, the button imports the jcm that is in the file. There is currently no way to mix jcms between characters, although it should not be very hard to implement a tool that mixes shapekeys. Then one could create a set of shapekeys that are 0.3*Aiko + 0.7*Victoria, and replace the Aiko jcms with the new shapekeys, so they are driven by the same bone rotations.

    There is already a tool that adds shapekeys (Merge SHapekeys), and adding mix factors is straightforward. That tool only merges two shapekeys, though, and you probably want to mix all jcms at once, so it would require some extra work.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks I apreciate if there is way, export current mesh shape (in daz studio) as JSON from daz studo,

    (eg,, morph.dmz etc,, ) then user can one click generate morphs as shape key, without import daz generate files (dsf).

    Though It is almost same, we use obj exporter from daz, and import it as shape keys with blender shape key tools. But it maybe useful to adjust current blender actor shape, when we hope to use daz product adjustment morphs, (without complex ERC sub or controller file)

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