what type morphs can be imported by "Import custom morph" ?

Issue #132 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

As same as new import custom jcm options, I hope to know detail about the “import custom morph” What I supposed and confirmed is, this function can import those property.

A simple morph which may defrom verts only.

B simple pose controller which may pose bones only. (not pose file, but pose controller)

Then I could confirm, both A and B can be imported and generate new property with driver. About B, I only test with facial bone pose controller.

Then what I hope to know is about property which may controll both at same time.

eg some facial expression controller (vendor offered) , (saved as pctrCustom.dsf), will pose facial bones. and at same time set another one shape morph value as 0.5 (saved as PHMcustom1.dsf)

So If I hope to import the pctrCustom.dsf, by “import custom morph” what procedure work best?

I may need to import PHMcustom1.dsf, first, as type A morph, then import pctrCustom.dsf as type B, then edit driver of pctrCustom which may change PHMcustom1 (shape keys value) as 0.5 etc, as same as daz studio?

Or plug in may auto add driver for shape keys if I already had imported PHMCustom1 as custom morph? (the formula which drive PHMCustom1 were recorded in pctrCustom.dsf )

Why I asked it, recent version seems have updated many, so I suppose, if current version can import more complex type morphs and pose controlelrs when user use correctly..

eg ctrlCloseEyes.dsf, which may set value ctrlCloseEyesR.dsf and ctrlCloseEyesL,.dsf then each side ctrl move eye around bones. Recent versions can import all (though I have not tested about my custom one, but test with import unit, then it work as I expected. (so I know Thomas make it smart,) then hope to know if same procedure work for custom pose controller.

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