after merging gp genitals with geo node method the texture changes

Issue #1323 resolved
vnrk created an issue

hello hope u all had a good Christmas :)

so i have a genesis 8.1 customized model and applied the golden palace genitals and a few garments and wearables, thats all. i checked the added genitials match well with the torso and looked well

then i imported the scene to blender and tried the latest merging method using geo nodes

before merging all the textures seemed to look as it shld be,

and right after merging the meshes and textures connected well but here the ploblem occurs :(

after merging and do something more with the scene the genital textures suddenly changes: in case mine turns pink

here i found the problem above only shows in material preview(eevee) mode, and in fact if i change the mode to cycles(render preview) the missing textures return back and look fine again

i posted how it looks like both in eevee and cycles, i guess i use both method so need to overcome

in my experiences I solved a similar issue by tweaking the node tree in shading mode. well this seem to be much more complicated i have no idea what to do more. thank you in advance

Comments (9)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I rarely use neither eevee nor material preview because it takes so long to compile the shaders. But I tested with a few characters and everything seems fine here. Which character are you using?

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Geonodes have issues see #1268 you better don’t use them for figures. That said in this case seems a viewport glitch that may go away if you render.

  3. vnrk reporter

    @Thomas Larsson nothing new, just a basic genesis 8.1 female with a set of textures u can see above, thats literally all. ill try other scenes and see if the same issue happens.

    btw did u tried something more after u merged? the textures keeps up first, and just vanishes in the moment i try to do something more (ex. convert to mhx, implant morphs etc) . i know this just dont make sense, like if the issue hppens instantly than it will be more predictable.. thats why im confusing 😩

  4. vnrk reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani ths for ur advice, but the geo node, i feel this non-destructive method attractive to me 😅 i found adding morphs are much more handy than before. well the final render normally goes with cycles so im good on the one hand.

    maybe geo nodes arent stable and my version is outdated thats why? currently mine is 3.2, considering for an update

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    I mean rendering with eevee, outside the viewport. Just set the render engine to eevee and render.

  6. vnrk reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani i tried but no luck, same result as 2.jpg nothing dramatically changed iguess

  7. vnrk reporter

    i also tried few more especially the basic genesis 8 with gp genitials added only (literally the simplest scene as u can get), the results were same as above. geo nodes arent that friendly with eevee perhaps

  8. vnrk reporter

    the new version of the addon(or blender maybe) have solved this issue. :) tho dont know exactly from when

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