Diffeo Causing Limb Stretching When Using IK Elbow/Knee Pin Feature Set

Issue #1328 wontfix
Jasper29 created an issue

Hi guys, hope you all had a wonderful Holiday weekend. A kind of niche issue has come to my attention fairly recently, and I can

confirm it is Diffeo causing it. When using ‘Angavrilov’s Feature Set' for Rigify GitHub - angavrilov/angavrilov-rigs: Custom Rigify rigs (feature set package) , I have noticed very apparent limb stretching when entering both the IK elbow and knee for pinning (See

Photos). Every version of Diffeo from 1.6.2 up has this issue, but for some reason 1.6.1 does not. I have checked constraints, edited

drivers etc, but I cannot find a solution. I also have no clue what exactly is causing it, but whatever it is, it is happening during rig

generation from the metarig (which you need to use these feature sets). What’s even stranger is that when checking the bone

lengths in the DEF layer bone constraint properties after the stretching occurs, there is zero change. All values stay the same. It’s

almost like it’s a viewport/render change only. Anyway I know right now this only affects a very particular thing, and not the main rig,

but I would like to bring it up because I always use this feature set for my rigs, and as you can see in the pics every version but 1.6.1

has it. It’s interesting, and at the very least if it can’t/won’t be fixed, I’m wondering what’s even causing it to happen. Keep up the

great work as usual, thanks!

EDIT: Oops, forgot to detail issue recreation. Step one: download any version of Diffeo from 1.6.2 up. Step two: import figure as

usual, but do not have rig generated already during import. Step three: create meta rig from rigging panel (after loading morphs

etc). Step four: add Angavrilov’s Feature set ‘Body IK’ rig types to limbs of metarig (After adding shoulder IK, connect shoulder tail to

upper arm bone with 3d cursor and snap to). Step five: generate rig. Step six: pose limbs (leg/and or arms). Step seven: snap IK mid

controllers to FK bones (which should be snapped to IK bones). Select arm or leg IK mid controller and slide IK pin switch to 1 in rig

properties panel.


P.S--Was also wondering if there is a way to throw some money to you guys for all the awesome work done in making this addon?

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Since I don’t use Rigify myself I’m not interested in investing too much time into it. Especially not unsupported extensions to Rigify.

  2. Jasper29 reporter

    Totally understandable, just figured I’d at least put it out there… I wonder what could be causing it🤔

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