Slight differences (but not insignificant) between DAZ3D and Blender when posing

Issue #1331 invalid
Adrien BP created an issue


I recently found that there’s some differences between Daz3D and Blender when I use the same pose on both software.

Here’s how I have that result :

Open Daz and load a basic Gen8 Female

Save the character and export it for blender

On daz3D apply the pose “z ulben full 06 g8 female bending” from “Ultimate bending utility collection”

On Blender load the same pose and check the result

On the pictures I joined the one with shadow is the one coming from Daz3D, you can see that the rear part is different on the one coming from Blender

(The camera lens and angle are the same)

I noticed the same issue when I try to move the rig in Blender, some part act differently from what I see in Daz3D (so it’s not coming from the pose), I suspect and issue in weight transfer from Daz3D to Blender.

Is there something I can do to solve that ?

Thank you for all your work on this add-on btw.

Comments (4)

  1. Adrien BP reporter

    Thank you for your reply, it worked with easy import and with JCMs checked. Sorry it was something that simple tho, I should have look for that earlier …

    I still have one question related to that, when I imported the jcms after importing my character (with easy import) it didn’t work and I obtained the same result than before.

    I then switched to the DAZ Rig when I imported it with easy import (I used MHX before) did the same thing and it worked this time.

    It’s like there’s an incompatiblity between JCMs and MHX Rig if you try to add JCMs after you easy imported your character.

    Should I have to somehow “activate” JCMs with an already existing MHX rig if I already imported my character or should I have to import my character again and check the JCMs at the easy import step ?

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