G9 phantom roughness texture ?

Issue #1341 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

daz studio, blender 3.4.1, diffeomorphic

This only happens with the principled option, while bsdf is fine. It seems somehow the roughness texture is always imported for G9, even if there’s no roughness texture in the material.

Test scene provided g9-mouth.duf, that’s the G9 mouth with stripped textures. Please note that even without stripped textures the mouth materials don’t have a roughness texture. But a roughness texture is imported anyway.


  1. import the test scene g9-mouth.duf with a principled option, it’s the G9 mouth with stripped textures
  2. check the roughness channel

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in latest commit. The plugin didn’t check that dual lobe specular was enabled, and used the dual lobe roughness even if it wasn’t.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Uh I see .. commit 8f526fc works fine for the roughness but seems we have the same problem with the top coat. The test scene has top coat off but the principled option gets clercoat values nevertheless. The bsdf option works fine.

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