Turning Off Bone Locks Breaks Functionality

Issue #1348 resolved
Maneki created an issue

When I generally turn off bone rotation and translation limits at import in the global settings it breaks the functionality. I can’t turn it on and off on demand anymore having it like that. When I turn on locks in the global settings for imported characters, turning on and off the locks keeps working though.

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Also it doesn’t make sense to have the locks and limits in the pose panel if we don’t keyframe them, because it will not work in animation. See #1218.

  2. Maneki reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani It does make sense, it has nothing to do with keyframing but some animations and poses require unlocked bones because they go beyond the limits and having the lock/unlock option right below pose and animation import is ideal.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    If you don’t keyframe it will only work for posing, not for animation. If you try to animate with different settings at different frames you’ll get side effects. This may be acceptable but it is to be remarked in some way that the tool doesn’t work for animation, for example with a note in the tooltip.

    Thomas let us know so I can also close #1218.

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