Invalid mesh on import

Issue #1350 invalid
Blender User created an issue

Hello Devs,

Very new user to diffeomorphic, still getting my bearings. I’ve managed to get most all functionality done by troubleshooting personally or reading through the wiki / issues.

However, there is an issue which I cannot fix seem to myself. A character I want to import from DAZ has anatomical hair which is a separate mesh parented onto G8F (like normal hair). However, the hair mesh doesn’t respect any applied morphs. Is there a way to fix this? Or is this expected behavior?

Eyebrow meshes follow head morphs (ex. eyebrow width / depth, etc.). I similarly had a problem with eyelashes (non-transmapped, actual mesh eyelashes) that did not follow poses and such - but I fixed them by merging the skeletons. The anatomical hair follows poses when the skeleton is merged, but when a morph is applied to the character, the hair follows the skin “50% of the way” and is then inside the character body mesh; i.e. the hair follows the morph, but as if it (the driver?) is only partially used.

Edit: Diff 1.6.2, Blender 3.4.1, DAZ 4.20, Windows 10 64bit

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A daz morph is either a shapekey or a pose for the face rig, or possibly a combination of both. The answer depends on which type it is.

    Each daz figure is imported as a mesh with its own armature. The first thing you want to do is to merge the rigs, so the same armature controls both the body and the eyelashes, cf Rigs. Only after the rigs have been merged should you import morphs.

    If the morph is a rig pose, you should be done by now. The same bones move the face mesh and the eyelashes. This is the case for most standard morphs for G3 and G8 characters.

    However, if the morph is a shapekey, it must be transferred from the main mesh to face meshes like brows and beards. This is the case with the facs morphs for G8.1 and G9 characters, and also all morphs for the old G1 and G2 characters. You can do that manually with the Transfer Shapekeys tool, Shapekeys.

    When you import morphs there is an option to automatically transfer the shapekeys to face meshes. However, we normally don’t want to transfer shapekeys to things like hair or glasses. To decide which meshes are face meshes the plugin uses some heuristics that can go wrong, If that happens, you can always use the manual transfer tool afterwards.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    And what does the title have to do with the description ? If you get an “invalid mesh” on import it means blender has to correct it to be able to edit it. That may include resorting the vertices thus morphs may not work on that specific mesh. See #955.

    We may include an option to avoid correcting invalid meshes, thus preserving morphs compatibility. But then blender may crash if you try to edit the mesh.

  3. Indulge Me

    Alessandro, I’ve got this error with some clothing (I think). It’s a very unspecific error, i.e. it doesn’t tell me what. I would be interested to know (this is a familiar gripe with me from work - the absence of good, accessible logging about what’s going on makes it very difficult to debug workflow and deal with support cases).

    Not all my morphs work of course. I will have to dress my character again with different clothes. This set is something I’d converted from G3 to G8.

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