new open source blender exporter from daz

Issue #136 closed
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

Just to open a discussion here. From what I can see it comes from the daztoblender8 plugin and the structure is different. They export intermediate data instead of reading the duf and this makes things slow.

Nevertheless being open source from daz it may always be a reference and they do specifically mention diffeomorphic as a possible team up to improve things.

On my side I may help them improve the material conversion. Though the z-cycles project by Jessub Kim may make this unneccessary.

Comments (14)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Oops! I didn’t see that coming. Thank you for pointing this out. I guess I should start hanging out in the Daz forums, athough I have really spent far too much time on this plugin. But, thanks to the corona pandemic, I’m currently only spending two days a week in the office and have some time left to spare.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    It’s just to share the more I look at it the more I believe diffeomorphic is by far superior and it would be probably better for daz to start from diffeomorphic then add the features they need rather than starting from daztoblender. It is somewhat interesting though how daztoblender gets to export a rigged HD version.

    Here’s the manual courtesy of the author seems not published by daz yet.

  3. The5amkebab

    Thomas, if you could help us at the Daz forums that would be massively appreciated, I’ve tried following on the other blender forum you post on but its such a strange way they have their forum set out it makes book marking parts of the thread for later reference a bit difficult. I think there’s so many people that want Daz content in Blender that if you started a Patreon that might even be easier to get everyone in the same place but also allow people to support you for the huge amount of time and effort you’ve put into this. Same with Alessandro, incredible work on the materials conversion and all the help you’ve provided so far at the Daz forums, really looking forward to the Eevee settings you’ve mentioned you’re working on. This is all a massive game changer for many of us! Thanks again!

  4. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Now that daz has its own official importer may be it’s more polite to rename the diffeomorphic tab to “Diffeomorphic” rather than “DAZ”, that’s very minor of course I just felt the need to point this out.

    edit. May be also renaming the “DAZ” prefix in custom groups with “DIF”.

  5. engetudouiti

    I do not think it is “real open source project”

    I may or might try, but not expect much. What I feel about the official plug-in anouncement, DAZ seems start new advatisement to get ”blender” user who DAZ had not show any interest.

    I do not think The plug in keep development. They easy stop enhancement when they feel it not offer new benefit for DAZ.

  6. engetudouiti

    I know I need not to deny efforts of DAZ and those who coporate the official plug in.

    But hope to make it clear. About DAZ products, there is no chance user really frankly talk and point out problems to improve in daz forum.

    I test the offical importer. then simple disappointed. It should not be offered as official. it is real beta.

    it not work with grafted item. it not work when daz product use Hidden pligons. it not work with other vendor genitals. at current.

    Then the real problem is DAZ do not offer any officail document about those things. so we need to ask here or there, or get support in daz forum, or serch around un -offical documents.

    When I export my actor, (I recently play with Thomas DAZ importer) it take almost 10 minutes more just to export. and I really afraid, it seems export as OBJ.

    (who may expect, when daz offer real exporter, the format is obj?)

    I though it is bad joke. (so now I get such info pic, when I import my actor)

  7. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    @engetudouiti I do agree the plugin by daz is pretty basic at this time, and diffeomorphic is so much better in many aspects. But they did just come out with a revised version of the daztoblender8 plugin so of course it has its previous limits. I find it interesting how the daz plugin manages to export a rigged HD character though, that’s a useful feature.

    The sources are freely available in the zip package. Not that I myself can understand much, but expert programmers as you and Thomas may have better luck.

  8. engetudouiti

    So if DAZ think the free product means open source, I can not agree. They need to offer good link like git-hub or git bucket for others report or development.

    Then I believe if daz have real strong will to offer plug-in, they can easy do it. (so they need to employ real programmer or daz can order current DAZ programmers who actually enhance daz , they know well, how daz manage files with json , daz scripts, and C language.

    Then they can ask iray Nvidia to offer good plug in for blender cycles. or they may try by themselfs.

    because they can ask directly iray developer about iray MDL. and DAZ actually make their shader with use MDL .

    I can not beleive, DAZ think the plug in is real important. But I suppose they need to offer something new , and feel new blender is good chance for them. They already start advertise with you tube etc etc,

    but after all, their purpose is not to offer real easy, steady great plug-in for blender, Just need new advertisement page, to get new comer serch around daz shop. (then they may see, why there is no clear manual as official) ^^

    And If I still join daz forum, I must complain about current plug in. it is exessive advertisement without real fact. I do not like the daz way.

  9. engetudouiti

    Ah OK I could find daz git-hub and get source. But I do not know why daz tend to hide those link, untill others ask it directly. or someone find it and discribe in some where in huge daz forum.

    Then I apologize, it actually use FBX not OBJ. I may see how they manage bone hieralchy.

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Earlier versions of the Daz importer also used obj, collada and fbx to get the coordinates into Blender, cf However, it turned out to be (different) problems with all of those formats, e.g. for grafted items or earrings with bone parents. Everything simplified when I wrote a custom script which exported the necessary data as a json, later dbz, file.

  11. engetudouiti

    Yes I could find script export both . though I suppose obj use only for morph loading.

    z-cycles need to use original build. For me it is matter hope if it can offer as same as plug-in etc. like another cycles product.

    maybe try someday . anyway thanks to teach us about new official tool.

    I actually find the official importer have same problem about G3 foot rig, for daz ERC, (which only use for G3), it make me fun.

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