May I suggest adding this functionality This is really cool...

Issue #1372 wontfix
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

this add on allows retargeting of Mixamo animations to Genesis characters in Blender .. i'm in the process of creating the ultimate workflow for high content video creation using DIFFEOMORPHIC

AND part of my ultimate workflow includes the fact that

I have every Mixamo animation in DUF format i just add in 1 click using DIFFEOMORPHIC but i've sent a message to Mixamo asking if I could give them out

they said not a good idea…

it's not a big deal if it were just me that I was worried about because using your add on I just add any MIXAMO animation with one click.. i'm thinking about the world's Workflow… if you add this same capability to your FREE add on that he has in his paid add on the world will have this capability And it is practically the ultimate addition to any fast workflow…

if you could help the world's workflow by adding this functionality to your FREE add on you guys would be relegated as heroes because with just a little bit of intelligence you could create any animation from what they give you on Mixamo

Comments (15)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I know it's possible to convert a MIXAMO TO DUF IN DAZ…and have it look nice…. I don't know how to do script writing in daz studio so if there was somebody that could write a script and put it in with your export to blender scripts that you have to install Then it would be even better because I'm watching his RIG-GNS tutorial and it's a little involved I think he has a more recent tutorial that isnt as involved i'm gonna check on that and post back… OKI just pasted his most recent one and it's a quality one click thing… that I feel you should check out and emulate for the purpose of having a complete add on… You can already add Facecap… so Mixamo is a no brainer

    OR your workflow would be going to MIXAMO and downloading the animations for your project at once and then running THE IDEA AT TOP your proposed script and then it's just a one-click thing in blender to “import action”

    I would do this myself but I've been searching far and wide for somebody to teach me or write a script for daz studio and I haven't been able to find that ….willing to pay if you know somebody

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Mixamo exports as fbx that you can import with the standard blender importer. Then you need to retarget the fbx to the daz rig and any retargeting tool will do, but rokoko has premade templates so you don’t have to do them yourself.

    Be aware that if the mixamo proportions are different then the animation may also need some fixing this is expected with any retargeting tool though some are better than others. This is why it is better to import your armature in mixamo and let it retarget for you. Then you only need to import the fbx and copy the animation.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    An enhancement is when you explain how to implement a new feature. This is a feature request aka proposal, as minor since there are already other tools for this.

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I do feel its major… because RIG-GNS has a one click approach to adding Mixamo animations, right on his interface.

    As an efficiency expert, I feel it is important to saving as many button clicks as possible to create an Awesome piece of software.

    If you match what you did with Facecap, with Mixamo, then DIFFEOMORPHIC would be more awesome and balanced compared to a whole different processes and more clicks for Mixamo compared to how u do it with Facecap…a one click approach

    *(you said) This is why it is better to import your armature in mixamo and let it retarget for you…

    From WP gurus teaching you could only do that with Genesis 2 so to get that to a Genesis 8 requires a lot more clicks than what RIG-GNS has…

    I have tried Halo reclaimers tutorial before and I've always not had success because the 4 arm bones on a Genesis 8…will try again as I am smarter now…

    as RIG-GNS has a one click approach.what would be most awesome if “import action" just imported Mixamo…You should secretly look at his code and see how that might be done…you know do it all in the BG so it's the same as “import action" on a Duf…You guys are like the smartest add-on creators…I know u can do that…MAKING DIFFEOMORPHIC…150%…COOLER!!

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you have Mixamo animations in duf format, can’t you just use the Import Action tool to get it into Blender? Presumably the duf file is a pose preset made for one of the genesis characters.

  6. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    can’t you just use the Import Action tool to get it into Blender?

    Thats what I do, but everybody doesn't have these and that's why I'm thinking you should make a one click thing like RIG-GNS because it costs like 35 Bucks and DIFFEOMORPHIC is free.. that way the whole world can have a fast workflow

    i’m trying Rokokko and can't find the presets that you talk about… There is an option to import a custom naming scheme Does somebody have a DAz studio naming scheme I could use

  7. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    been trying to figure out how to get Mixamo on these four bone arms and haven't been able to do that yet

  8. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    been messing around trying to convert the daz rig to a rigify rig first… then use rokokko…and I checked out the beta version of rokokko It didn't really work either…

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Retargeting bvh files is beyond the scope of the daz importer. I have heard good things said about Rokoko, but if it doesn’t work there might be other alternatives. I have written a bvh retargeter myself, called the bvh retargeter (serious lack of imagination here), but I haven’t used it for a long time and am not sure how well it works. You would need the dev version to use it with modern versions of mhx or rigify.

  10. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    BVH retargeter works good… But I'm just talking about adding the functionality this guy has to diffemorphic we kind of got off topic a little bit

  11. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    the 1 click Add Mixamo… Because now that's just hard to do… if you don't ill have my programmer that Works with me learn from this guy's code And add that functionality to my own add on because it already accentuates DIFFEOMORPHIC because every time you bring in a new model with it Activate automatically all the diffuse in the scene… So then I'll be DIFFEOMORPHIC developer kinda and I could promo my add on as a companion addon for DIFFEOMORPHIC…. I use DIFFROMORPHIC and my own addon all the time so I'll constantly be testing the 2 together

    But keep in mind it doesn't work well with development version because you're still making that so I'm just working on the stable version

    So I'll keep on suggesting functionalities to you 1st and if you don't take them I'll add them to mine then everybody wins thanks for your reply btw

  12. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    what is a wontfix ooc..

    btw… I'm still trying to get a mixamo animation on a character on blender perfect…and still have issues…no matter what I try…rig gns the arms don't look right…export kit no luck….you guys are so smart…if u could make a watched supported system to do this you would be helping the whole community, and myself😆….alot

  13. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OTHER THAN THAT it is so hard how to figure out how to add a mixamo animation to a daz character in blender so I think you guys should offer free solution

    sorry got a little excited but if you add this functionality to diffeomorphic than ever then everybody could have a one click solution…i'm trying to get him to offer price points to make it a little more accessible but 35 bucks he charges is too' much

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