L.I.E. overlay UV issue.

Issue #1377 resolved
Dave Maez created an issue

DAZ Studio ver:
Blender ver: 3.4.1
Import DAZ ver:

I was having an issue getting some Layered Image tattoos to show up. Quickly slapping a image onto a G8M torso in DS:

Upon import to Blender, however:

No overlay. I tried applying the Torso-1 texture to a plane, et voila, I could see the overlay again, just not on G8.

So I went to the UV editor and figured it out:

The torso UV map had loaded a meter to the right, and to get the overlay to show, I had to add a 1 to the X location in the mapping node. If it had loaded in the 4th position, I’d have had to add 3.

Easier was to use a vector math node to just normalize the inbound UV data so that it didn’t matter which position the UV had loaded.

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. I went for the modulo node, since you can in principle use the same material in different uv tiles.

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