Wrong genital texture after importing into Blender (for Golden Palace)

Issue #1378 invalid
Taylor created an issue

These are the rendered images in Blender.

Sorry if I missed anything, but there is an issue of missing texture for Golden Palace when I tried to imported a G8F into Blender. The texture that shows up in Daz is

Why is the texture not imported correctly?

Comments (11)

  1. Taylor reporter

    After looking at the materials tab, I believe it is just copying the torso texture… why doesn’t the genital texture catch up? Here is the nodes view for the materials for GP under the shading tab

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This has something to do with the translucency group in the shell. I haven’t run into this problem myself because I prefer to use SSS. As a workaround you can do so too; turn on SSS Skin (BSDF) in the global settings.

  3. Taylor reporter

    Thank you! Now it works. For the future readers' convenience, I attached the screenshot of the global settings (under DAZ importer SSS settings are on the upper right corner). Note that one should not check SSS fix.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    @ Alessandro, what is your take on this? I think the following is going on: the GP materials have two translucency nodes, one in the shell and one in the underlying torso material. Torso translucency is matched by a volume node, but there is no volume for shell translucency.

    A simple fix could be to always use SSS in shells, and only use volumetrics for the base skin.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    I don’t remember having any issue with GP, will look at this and let you know tomorrow.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    update. I see the issue but volume is not the reason since the shell only affects the surface, that is, volume is always “shared“ among the base material and the shells. I’m not even sure this is a issue since once we merge the geograft everything seems to work fine.

    I’ll have to think about it some more.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    update. I tested different blender versions and plugin versions. I believe this is not a bug but a cycles “limitation”. That is, the volume node is supposed to work for volumes aka solids, not for surfaces. That’s understandable since a surface doesn’t provide any volume information.

    If we merge the geograft then we get a correct volume information for the volume node and everything works fine.

    If we don’t merge the geograft then the surface can’t provide correct volume information and we get the artifact.

    As I see it this is not a bug and there’s nothing to fix. If there’s nothing to add I’ll mark as invalid.

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