convert genesis 8 to rigify with t pose as rest do i

Issue #1380 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

this seems to be the first step to even be able to get expy kit to work… how can I do this in as few button clicks as possible?

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner
    1. Advanced Setup > Rigging > Convert DAZ Rig with the target rig set to Genesis 3 Female. The G3F rest pose is rather close to T-pose, although the elbows are slightly bent.
    2. Setup > Finishing > Apply Rest Pose.
    3. Convert To Rigify.

    However, for IK to work correctly the knees should be slightly bent, which you can do with Finishing > Optimize Pose For IK. So the entire process would be

    1. Convert DAZ Rig to Genesis 3 Female.
    2. Optimize Pose For IK.
    3. Apply Rest Pose.
    4. Convert To Rigify.

    For some reason you must only apply the rest pose once. If you do it after both step 1 and step 2 the mesh goes crazy. No idea why.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Or you can pose your T pose as you wish then apply rest pose. Once you do the T pose you can save it in the library and load it back in one click. Or you can also import a T posed figure from daz that’s the same.

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I appreciate the insight….it work when I did the t pose like u suggested… Daz studio it deformed my character's mesh in a weird way…probably didnt wrong…couldnt find online documentation…but yours work good

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