Corrective Shapekey of G9 Controlled by Wrong Bone

Issue #1384 resolved
jjfbdcb created an issue

I’m using the latest version of the master branch. I imported JCMs and flexions to a G9 Character. However, when I rotated the bone named r_thigh in the x channel, the value of morph body_cbs_thigh_x115n_z90p_l changes, which should have been controlled by l_thigh.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Duh! The problem is that there are two properties called CTRLMD_N_XRotate_n115, one is defined in l_thigh_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_n115.dsf and the other in r_thigh_CTRLMD_N_XRotate_n115.dsf. The latter overwrites the former.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This should work now, I think. But it is also possible that I introduced new bugs in the process.

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