How to import corrective morphs for Hair. And make them work like Daz.

Issue #1386 resolved
Davi created an issue

I can import morphs for Hair using import Custom Morphs. But the corrective hair morphs are uncconected to the rig, and they don’t work automatically.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t have this particular asset, but checked with Toulouse hair which seems to work in the same way. The hair pjcms don’t have any formulas themselves; instead, they use the same formulas as the body. Therefore we cannot import the pjcms as custom morphs, because that will overwrite the drivers, also for the body shapekeys. Instead we can do like this:

    1. Import pJCMs to the body.
    2. Transfer Shapekeys to the hair, with Transfer Drivers and Use Vendor Morphs enabled. That will load any hair pJCMs automatically.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Why do we have to import jcms to the body ? I mean isn’t it the same as the outfits, where we transfer with vendor morphs and jcms are loaded automatically ?

    Unless you mean if the hair/outfit has extra bones ?

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Because the formulas for the drivers are only defined in the body jcms. I think it’s the same for outfits.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the last commit we can import the morphs with Import Custom Morph as well, so we don’t have to transfer morphs. The jcms for the body must still be imported, since that is where the drivers are defined, but importing the hair jcms don’t ruin the drivers anymore. The body jcms can be imported before or after the hair jcms, both should work.

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