Face Mocap Import needs updating for Genesis 9

Issue #1389 resolved
John Blobago created an issue

Daz has combined several FACS morphs into single sliders for G9, so importing via Unreal Live Link Face/FaceCap is no longer working correctly. Jaw Forward-Recess, Jaw Left-Right, and Mouth Left-Right have replaced their respective separate morphs.

Thanks for such a great add-on!

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Are you sure it doesn’t work? The plugin has a table that translates G9 facs into G8 facs names. I tested to import both facecap and livelink files to a G9 character, and it seems to work here.

  2. John Blobago reporter

    No, not working, I'm afraid. I did a clean install of the latest version this morning to double check. As you can see in the screenshot, "Jaw Open" and "Mouth Close" have keys as expected, but "Jaw Forward-Recess" and "Jaw Left-Right" don't.

    If I slide "Jaw Forward-Recess,""Jaw Left-Right," and "Mouth Left-Right" manually they work as expected and I can see the respective driven "facs_bs_XX" value change in Blender's Shape Key panel, but they don't have any animation key data either.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. I had implemented a translation table between G8 and G9 facs names, but it was only used for loading expressions, not for facecap and livelink.

  4. John Blobago reporter

    Still has issues, I'm afraid.

    "Jaw Forward-Recess" seems to be working correctly. (For some reason there is no "facs_bs_JawForward" despite checking it when importing FACS during the initial morph import step, but I can see it moving visually so I assume that's just me not understanding the set-up).

    "Mouth Left-Right," is still not getting keyed at all (maybe it just got overlooked when you updated the other two?).

    "Jaw Left-Right" is now getting keys, but for some reason only "facs_bs_JawLeft" is being triggered- "facs_bs_JawRight" is not moving at all. I'm already out of my depth, but maybe it has to do with it being driven by the 0 to -1 values instead of the positive values of most of the other morphs?

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. Since there are separate left and right keys in the facecap file, the left key was overwritten, even if the right key was zero. Now the jaw-left-right key is set to the sum of the left and right keys instead (one of them should always be zero).

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