Morph preset function with New morph system

Issue #139 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I still not try New morph system, but it seems enhance much, At same time, about old version,

I could use those prefix to get the each morph current value. then could export and import current value as json. It is actually useful, when I save current expression or current all morph value, then re-produce it without save blend scene (eg only change expression, which I made before)

As we know, about pose , we can use pose library . but about Add on generate props, at current there is no function (or UI button), which can save and import in blender.

I suppose (not try much), we can import daz shape preset duf, after we import morphs, but what I hope is keep our edit in blender by export import file, and apply those value for current actor when we need it.

At current I think only way is set key for each morph values as animation then save as large size blend scene files.

So really apreciate, if we can get new morph preset system. I suppose as start point, it may export all morph value (but not touch other add-on added custom or ID prop value) include “zero” then, re import and apply (up-date), again.

The simple “import preset” and “export preset!” button may need to locate morph section or advanced morph section. (I assume many user may apreciate it)

Then it may use current check option (then we can save or re-import only about checked morph values. ( json is ok)

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Though I hope Thomas will add it in current Daz Import UI, But if user made it, from your guide, (thanks much)

    custom_morphs = import_daz.getMorphs(ob, “Custom”)

    will retrun dict of custom morphs. but the dict seems

    key = ID, and value = labell name of DAZ props.

    so to get each morph value (not labell name, but float values) which added for Armature object as custom prop,

    for key in custom_morphs.keys():

    print( armature[key]) may print armature custom morph values? (I suppose it may work)

    Then is there way to get key (ID name) list only about checked morphs?

    If you can add new bool arguments, ( checked or not)

    for the class function,

    import_daz.getMorphs(ob, type, bool) etc,

    really apreciate!!

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    hmm when I test with old scene, (update DAZ importer to recent beta),

    I could find “Update Morphs For 1.5” button, but it not change shape key names,,

    And I tried to follow, your kind article about new morph system, but I could not import import_dazfrom console,,

    To use your function, Do I need to locate python code, as your add on plug in?

    I change your add on main directory (module package) name, to keep many version, so if I rename it as import_daz may work?


    yes do not mind, I could use the function, with rename add on folda name. as import_daz thanks.

    Though I still not see up-dated shape key name, it still use old prefix for shape keys.

    , I may test with new import scene,,

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes it worked as you intend,, really apreciate your added new morph functions. now it enhance mach.

    I atached current private scripts,,which add simple save and load morph preset functions.

    so hope you will add those in your plug-in UI>moprh secton.

    Actually exchange add on tab is not good work-flow for me ^^;

    Attached file is only for Thomas (or user if you check code) test (and hope to add those save load function for Thomas add on UI, do not test wit your real work.

    I do not hope to up-date or include this in your official package ^^;)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I personaly keep enhance those preset things as private usage. but basically it seems not purpose for importer (seems better enahance as another tool whch mix use with daz importer)

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