i'm making a script that works with diffiemorphic How do I run...import action in python

Issue #1405 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

when I copy the python command from the import action button and run it I just get an error like no animation was selected

I'm trying to run the code that will act exactly as when you press the import action button

so It'll open up a window and then you could select your animation and it will add it, Assuming you already have a rig selected

Is there a way Can you make that available in your code so other users can code for that easily Or is there a set way that this can be done

I'm pretty sure you're using .fileutils to open that window but I don't know what that is and can't find information on it..… and I don't see that anywhere in the version 1.6 1 files, i searched with notepad++… anywhere that is except in init.py ….But there it's just a cryptic thing…below:

    modnames = ["buildnumber", "globvars", "settings", "utils", "error", "uilist",
                "propgroups", "daz", "fileutils",.......]

Everywhere else is importing it into a file with a from command like

from .fileutils import MultiFile, SingleFile, DufFile

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