Attaching props to character

Issue #1438 invalid
Maliketh Blade created an issue

i am trying to attach sunglasses to character. Even though I did it in object constraints, the glasses do move with the head but they also move separate. as shown in the photo

Comments (5)

  1. Jasper29

    @Maliketh Blade 2 main ways to do this is 1: go into pose mode and select the object (glasses) FIRST in the scene outliner list (upper right of normal

    layout interface), THEN select the bone in the viewport you want to parent to (in this case head bone), and hit ctrl+p. From menu select ‘Bone’ and

    then check off ‘keep transform’ box. Or 2: Select object (glasses) in object mode and then go to ‘Object Constraint Properties’ and select Child Of

    Constraint. In the target space box select your armature for model, then the bone you wish to parent it to (head again). If object moves/disappears

    when parenting, click ‘set inverse’ option below loc/rot/scale options in that constraint’s tab.

  2. Maliketh Blade reporter

    @Jasper29 Thanks the first option worked for me !! I think I will make a video about it.

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