Loading morphs caused a type error

Issue #1440 invalid
Miki3d created an issue

Hi there!
I get this error while loading custom morphs to my figure, unfortunately the daz_importer_errors.txt doesn’t show any issue, even with the verbosity set to 5.
I found the morph that causes the error, but there’s nothing strange on it. Any hint?
Thanks ^_^

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    First,please update to the current dev version. Your version is 200 commits behind. Although I don’t think that part of the code has changed recently.

    Second, are you using file linking? The error message suggests that you are trying to load a morph to a linked character, which cannot be done.

    If none of the above helps. What morph is causing the problem?

  2. Miki3d reporter

    Yea sorry I’m with an old version because I’m working on an old project compatible with that one, anyway I updated to the last one and now it works, my bad!
    Thanks as usual for your fast reply.
    Miki ^_^

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