
Issue #1449 resolved
CookItOff created an issue

Sorry for putting this here but I couldn’t find away to log an issue on the BVH page.

On both Mac and Windows the retarget process fails with a warning that there is no candidate for the hip bone when using the Rigify rig. MHX works fine. Was going to try to rename the bone and see if that worked, but it’s saying it can’t find the bone.

Note: This was happening before the latest changes to the Rigify conversion you made…. just now logging.

Looked for corrective actions but there wasn’t something for this flag.

Comments (12)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There is no separate bug tracker for the bvh retargeter, because it is enough for me to monitor one site. So you put the ticket in the right place. I haven’t worked on this plugin for a long time but will check this soon.

  2. CookItOff reporter

    Awesome. One issue I’ve had with it from the start is that it will always offset my charter's Z axis (Blender) and drop it down about half a body or raise it up half a body. It’s easy enough to fix with the graph editor but wanted to let you know.

    If you need a BVH to test once you start working on it again let me know and I’ll send you one.


  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin did not recognize the rigify version, because they had changed the name of the FK toe from toe.L to toe_fk.L. I added a new data file that covers the this version.

    The animation now starts at the origin.

  4. CookItOff reporter

    Rigify is working again. Man you’re knocking these out quickly! One request for the BVH Retargeter.

    Is there anyway you can make the new adjustment for starting the character at origin be a toggle? The reason I say this is that your fix is centering the character for frame one and it works great, but after frame one the character can return to the offset axis. (What I’ve noticed is Z verticle issues). When this happen, having the original T-Pose offset with the rest of the frames allows me to just highlight the offending curves for the entire animation in the graph editor and set the T-Pose to the World Origin which then properly adjust all the other frames.


  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, I made it a global option. But in the files I tested with the character never returns, since the same offset is subtracted from the hip location at all frames. Could you upload a bvh file where the hip jumps.

  6. CookItOff reporter


    Yes, here is a demo file from the company of the kit I use. This one is a little weird when loaded with the retargeter, as once loaded the T-Pose drops below origin but the next frame raise to the proper height.

    With the previous up date T-Pose got matched to origin but the remaining frame where all offset above origin. Could this be the BVH-Retarget messing up the T-pose calculation compared to the rest of the frames? And why the fix you implemented corrected only the T-Pose but offset the remaining frames in the Z Axis (Vertical)?

    I’m fine with either way you decide as I know not all BVH files are a like when trying to get a character centered, meaning how they were recored can vary; and the fix is fairly quickly done. The toggle just helps for certain files.


    Edit: Do you have an email I can send it to. Bitbucket says images are only allowed for attach.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This was trickier that I thought, but now things should work. Center Animation is both a separate tool in the Edit > Global panel, and a local option when you load and retarget.

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