is it worth to upgrade from an Iphone XS to an iphone 14 for Facecap/Livelinks

Issue #1460 closed
Admin X4 created an issue


I apologize if this sounds silly, but I use the FaceCap and LiveLinks functions frequently. I was wondering if upgrading my phone would help me achieve better results for my G9 figure.

After searching the internet, I discovered that there is an improvement in iPhone facial recognition from X to XS, but no further changes. I just wanted to confirm this.

Thank you!

Comments (4)

  1. Admin X4 reporter

    That’s exactly what i did I asked Apple representatives they told me that they have no idea what mean FaceCap and Livelinks and i should contact the creator of it to make sure.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    But we are not the creators of FaceCap or Livelink either. This plugin just imports files created by those apps. If those file formats change you are welcome to file a bug report with an example attached so we can look at it.

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