Latest Version is Stretching Thigh and Shin Mesh.

Issue #1464 duplicate
CookItOff created an issue

Alessandro wanted a new report for this so here it is.

The latest Diff where the thigh bone and arm bone is rotated, even if “optimize pose for IK” is left unchecked, is stretching the thigh and/or shin mesh and also the arm mesh to achieve this. Like I posted earlier, I adjust my rig in Daz before export so I don’t have to use a generic adjustment in Blender. If people are ok with the mesh stretch then fine; I just would like for it to be an option as I’m not ok with the stretching.

It is physically impossible to have your knees move forward without either one of these happening:

  1. Your head and hips drop
  2. Your pelvis rotates
  3. Your feet move forward and up
  4. Your feet rotate forward on the toes

Similar applies for the elbow but require the hand to change position.

The following pictures (original mesh and rigify mesh stacked on top of each other) show that minus the legs and arms every other part of the body still occupies the original location as the original imported mesh. (Mesh faces that occupy the same area in Blender are shown with the distorted cross hatch lines across the mesh) This means that the leg and arm meshes had to stretch.

The lower images are a baseline with the older version of diff from a couple of days ago. The two meshes, original before rigify and then rigify with my adjustments in Daz, are correctly on top of each other with the all mesh faces occupying the same space.

Thanks for the time,


Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t understand why this happens, but I can confirm that it does. Anyway, prebending (Improve IK) is now an option again so you can turn it off.

  2. CookItOff reporter

    Awesome. I just checked the new commit and it’s good to go!

    Thanks for all the hard work you and the others do!

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you @CookItOff for reporting this, I didn’t understand what you mean, the explanation is in #1459 it is the IK working and depends on the IK angle. Unfortunately the stretching depends on how the rigify rig is designed with stretching limbs.

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