Add DAZ favourites automatic as customs morphs

Issue #1469 resolved
Rincewind created an issue


currently I’m bringing some DAZ props to Blender.
One thing which is really anoying that I have to import each custom morph manually by hand.

I think it would be supper handy if there would be an import option, which will add morphs/pose controls which are marked INSIDE DAZ as favourits autmatic as custom morphs inside Blender.

Comments (24)

  1. Maneki

    A function like this would be really appreciated. Since .duf files save favorite morphs it should be readable.
    I always “kitbash” morphs in Daz before importing everything and it’d speed up getting everything into Blender a lot.
    There’s often a certain amount of morphs I need separately which I can’t bake into the character or into one morph and as of now I’ve to open plenty of different file paths to get every morph I need and that takes time.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Implemented in last commit, although only for the main character, not for geografts. The option is called DAZ Favorites. It is a bit unfortunate that the plugin already uses the term favorite morphs for something else though.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit ed2e3a1 doesn’t seem to work here. I get a python error. Test scene provided g8f-favorites.duf where I marked nipples and navel as favorites in daz studio.

    minor notes:

    • May be a better tooltip is: “Import custom morphs marked as favorite in DAZ Studio“.
    • May be a better name for the category is “DAZ Favorites“, or let the user name a category.
    • Personally I believe this is a handy and “essential“ feature so it would show better in setup > morphs rather than in advanced setup.


    1. import the test scene g8f-favorites.duf and merge rigs
    2. select the g8f mesh or the armature and import daz favorites

    alternate steps:

    1. easy import g8f-favorites.duf with import daz favorites

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    For some reason the definition of that attribute disappeared. It’s back now.

    I will think more about this tomorrow.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now we can import favorite morphs for geografts and clothes, too. The trick was to store the favorite info in the mesh rather than the rig, so it survives rig merging. I moved the button to the main morphs panel.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit eca50ab works great. This is incredibly handy instead of having to search for the morphs file names and folder.

    bug. When there are multiple favorite categories, adjusting one panel modifies them all, for example if I open or close the search filter or resize the panel.


    1. import G8F with a geograft, both with favorites
    2. import favorites
    3. trying to adjust one favorite panel will change them all

    minor request. I know we can change the category names in advanced setup, but it would be handy if the user can choose the category name with the favorite tool. The default name may not be what the user needs. When pressing the button a dialog could open with the default name to be confirmed or changed.

  7. Rincewind reporter

    Thank you for the fast implementation. That’s really a time safer.

    Unfortunatelly, with my test prop it didn’t worked.

    It’s a book from ROG Fantay Home - Living Room Furniture Set.

    It has some Pose controls which are morphs:

    I checked DAZ favourits:

    But there are not shape-keys

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Both issues have been fixed.

    In Maneki’s case, apart from the crash, the problem was that the plugin searched for the favorite morphs in the wrong place. For other characters it looks in the Morphs subdirectory, but for G9 it has to look in the Base/Morphs directory instead.

    In Rince’s case the problem was that the book is a prop. Therefore only the shapekeys are imported, but no rig properties are created, since there is no rig.

  9. Rincewind reporter

    Just downloaded and tested the latest version. Unfortuntatelly, it’s still not working with the book prop.

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. The tool worked with props from the morphs panel, but not in easy import.

  11. Maneki

    There still seems to be an issue with some morphs. I tried “Mass Upper Arms” but it doesn’t get exported as favorite. Other 3rd party morphs I tested seem to work.

  12. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It was a case error. The plugin searched for “body_bs_MassUpperArms.dsf”, but the file is called “body_bs_MassUpperarms.dsf”. Now the search for the morph files is no longer case sensitive. However, the plugin will still fail to find morphs if the name is completely unrelated to the file name.

  13. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit cbafa54.

    bug. @Thomas There’s always the bug with panels as I reported above. Let me know if something is not clear.

  14. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, the custom morph panels sometimes behave strangely. This can happen if you have two categories open at the same time. It doesn’t happen all the time and it doesn’t happen for the standard morph panels, which are all created when the plugin is loaded; in contrast, the category panels are created dynamically. It has something to do with the registration of new classes.

    If this happens, press the Update Scrollbars button at the top of the Custom Morphs panel. That reregisters all categories which should then work again afterwards.

  15. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes update scrollbars does work thank you fot the tip.

    tip. What about updating scrollbars automatically after importing new morphs ? That should fix most issues.

  16. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I thought that the plugin already updated scrollbars automatically, but that was only done when importing custom morphs. Now it is done after importing baked morphs and daz favorites, too.

  17. Rincewind reporter

    I found finally the time to test the latest version with the book prop.

    Importing via easy import the DAZ favourit morphs as shape keys works no fine.

    But they only appear in shape keys but in the Diffeo Morphs panel as custom morphs.

    Whileis not an issue for the book prop, I just wanted to report this for the case if this is an uninteded behaviour.

  18. Rincewind reporter

    Just discussion my last post Maneki. This is propably the intended behaviour, after I used a prop without an armature.

  19. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The sliders in the N-panel show the active armature’s properties, or the properties of the parent armature if the active object is a mesh. Since the book doesn’t have an armature, there is nothing to show.

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