G9 Auto Morph Armature and Twist Bones

Issue #1478 resolved
Maneki created an issue

It seems like twist bones on G9 are not getting adjusted by Auto Morph Armature:

In Daz:

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think it should work in the last commit, but you need to reimport the character. This is what happened:

    The twist1 and twist2 bones are driven (Y rotation is driven, X and Z are locked), and therefore extra bones were created to make them posable (twist1(drv) and twist2(drv)), and somehow these extra bones confused the ERC algorithm. However, these twist bones were never meant to be posable, so adding the extra bones does not make sense. The plugin now moves the twist bones to the last layer, and treats them as the (drv) extra bones. That seems to do the trick, the entire armature is now morphed correctly.

    ERC morphs only work with the original daz rigs, not with mhx and rigify. The useless ERC drivers are therefore removed when we convert to mhx and rigify, they weren’t before. Also the Morph Armature button is hidden if an mhx or rigify rig is active.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This also means that if somebody has made other bones that end with “twist1” or “twist2”, the plugin will not be able to make them posable. But this sounds like a minor problem.

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