update scrollbars after rename category

Issue #1480 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue


Sometime I have to update scrollbars after rename category, it would be helpful if the plugin does that automatically.

request. join category. Would it be possible to add a “join category“ button ? For example when we merge geografts it may make sense to join the body and geogarft categories, or if we have a few morphs per part then join them all in the same category for easy of access.

Comments (9)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 1e5c516 works fine for the scrollbars, thank you for the fast fix.

    Please let me know for join categories if it is possible to do it, or if you think it’s not useful I’ll close anyway.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    strip category. may be bug.

    What exactly the “strip category“ global setting does ? The tooltip tells it strips category from morph names but I don’t notice any difference anywhere with it turned on or off. Unless this tool is deprecated and categories are always stripped that seems what happens. Let me know.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I recall having seen “JCMs On” becoming “s On” in the JCM panel, but I cannot reproduce it now. It seems to work fine otherwise. The three first morphs were imported with stripping on, the three others with stripping off.

  4. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 809bfba works fine for join category, thank you for the new tool.

    daz studio, blender 3.4.1, windows 10

    As for strip category it doesn’t work here. That is, category is always stripped, even with strip unchecked. Below an example where I imported some custom morphs with strip unchecked, the category name is not used.

    note. This is not important for me since I’d strip categories anyway, it is just to report the issue. If you can’t reproduce it then it may be a glitch in my system and I’ll close as resolved. Let me know.


    1. uncheck strip category in global settings
    2. import G8F and merge rigs
    3. import some custom morphs with different categories

  5. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Uh .. you mean it strips the category name from the morph prefix if they are the same. Now I get it.

    From the tooltip I was under the misunderstanding that it added or removed the category to the morph name. The user manual doesn’t help either since the description is very short and can be confused the same way.

    I’d advise a better tooltip, and/or an example in the docs. Let me know or I’ll close as resolved since this is minor the tool works as intended.

    tooltip: “Strips the category name from the morph prefix if they are the same.“

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, that’s what it does. It doesn’t make much sense in this case, but sometimes the vendor adds the same long family name in front of all morphs. We then have to make the N-panel very wide in order to see more than the family name. E.g., if we choose the name of the category to be “Venus Smile” it will be much easier to see the difference between the morphs below.

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