easy import: daz favorites don't transfer to geografts.

Issue #1481 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

daz studio, blender 3.4.1, diffeomorphic

I don’t know if this is a bug or a intended limitation but I noticed that, for easy import, daz favorites are not transferred to geografts, didn’t test if they are transferred to clothes. This may be a bug, or may be we have to do it by hand. Let me know.

Test scene provided golden.duf, it’s g8f with golden palace, where I selected the glutes morphs as favorites in daz studio.


  1. easy import golden.duf with daz favorites and transfer to geografts, without merge geografts
  2. check golden palace, the glutes morphs are not transferred

bug. morph names. Also there’s a bug if we have both golden palace and futalicious installed. That is, I selected the golden palace glutes morphs “Glutes Widen“ as favorites in daz studio, but the plugin loads the futalicious glutes morphs instead “FTL Glutes Widen“, they have a different file path in daz studio so I guess the plugin does some confusion with names.

Comments (24)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    update. symmetry bug when merging geografts.

    Also, if I merge geografts without transferring the glutes morphs, there’s asymmetry when I apply the glutes morphs. We see that on the right side the glutes morphs affect different vertices than the left side, I mean as for topology. Before merging geografts the glutes morphs are symmetrical, so this shouldn’t happen.


    1. easy import golden.duf with daz favorites
    2. merge geografts, without transferring the glutes morphs
    3. apply the glutes morphs

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The two first issues are fixed. As for the asymmetry, I’m not sure it is a bug. The plugin calls Blender’s Remove duplicates tool to merge overlapping vertices. I’m not sure what is supposed to happen if the overlapping vertices have different shapekey strengths. Anyway, you are supposed to transfer the shapekeys first, and then this doesn’t happen.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, the asymmetry is fixed now. The merge tool already moved the locations of the geograft shapekeys on the boundary into position, but only if the geograft shapekey already existed. So now it creates a geograft shapekey for each body shapekey. This happens anyway when the meshes are joined, but by doing it explicitly the boundary can be moved into position before joining.

    This will cause some performance loss, since all shapekeys including the face are explicitly created. I didn’t perceive any notable lag, however.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The search for favorite morphs has been improved. Before the glutes widen morphs were found for GP but not for futa, now the plugin finds both.

  5. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 643b695.

    I can confirm both the GP and futa glutes are correctly found now.

    As for symmetry it is improved but doesn’t work fine. Specifically, everything works fine up to transfer morphs, but then merge geografts breaks something. Below are the steps with the standard import for better clarity, but it’s the same with easy import.


    1. import golden.duf and merge rigs
    2. import favorites, this will import the glutes morphs
    3. transfer morphs from g8f to geograft
    4. check the glutes morphs, they are symmetrical and work fine both on the body and the geograft
    5. merge geograft
    6. check the glutes morphs, they are symmetrical but broken as the picture below

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The shapekey positions can be copied from the body for vertices that lie on the common boundary, but body and graft vertices don’t match in the interior. This is exactly why you need to transfer shapekeys first.

  7. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    I did transfer morphs first, please see the steps above. Glutes are morphs for g8f not for golden palace, so we need to transfer from g8f to golden palace. Unless I misunderstand what you mean, if so please describe the exact steps to make it work. Thank you.

    edit. note. For some reason it works fine for futalicious but not for golden palace.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Somehow I must have introduced some bug with the previous fix. Now the glutes morph work right in the merged mesh, provided that morphs are transferred first. Otherwise the asymmetry at the boundary is back, but the morphs were corrupt anyway since the interior didn’t move. The only time the previous fix would have help is for morphs that extend to the boundary but not into the interior, and you didn’t transfer the morphs first.

  9. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 011a129 works fine if we transfer the morphs, otherwise there’s asymmetry as reported above. This is expected since the new commit is a rollback. It seems asymmetry can’t be fixed without ruining the morphs, so I’ll call this even and mark as resolved.

    Asymmetry doesn’t happen if we transfer the morphs as required.

  10. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    asymmetry bug. for weightmaps.

    Sorry but there is definitely something wrong with merge geografts. Specifically, if we don’t use morphs that’s entirely legit, then there’s the asymmetry bug on the weightmap. That is, the geograft borders are asymmetrical respect to the weightmap.

    The weightmap is symmetrical before merging geografts, and becomes asymmetrical after merging geografts.


    1. import G8F with futalicious and merge rigs
    2. spread the legs, we see that the weightmap is symmetrical both for the body and the geograft
    3. merge geografts
    4. spread the legs, we see that the weightmap is asymmetrical

  11. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    note. symmetry fix. may be solution.

    It seems to me that, when merging geografts, we have to transfer both the body morphs and the body weightmap to the geograft borders. Even if the user doesn’t transfer morphs. This way the geograft should stay symmetrical, and should not ruin the morphs either if they are transferred.

    # merge geograft with symmetry fix
    transfer body morphs on the geograft border, do not affect other geograft vertices do only the border
    transfer body weightmap on the geograft border, do not affect other geograft vertices do only the border
    merge geograft

  12. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, that’s it. In the last commit the plugin replaces the geograft vertex groups on the bounary with the body ones.

  13. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    bug. standard import is not fixed for symmetry.

    Commit 6ecc08ac works fine, but it seems only easy import is fixed, while standard import doesn’t work. Below the steps with golden.duf.

    steps (works fine):

    1. easy import golden.duf with daz favorites and merge geografts, without transfer
    2. test the glutes morphs, everything works fine

    steps (doesn’t work):

    1. standard import golden.duf and merge rigs
    2. import daz favorites
    3. merge geografts
    4. test the glutes morphs, they don’t work fine there’s asymmetry

  14. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    may be bug. some driven morphs are not imported.

    I noticed that when we import a morph which drives other morphs, then some of the driven morphs are not imported. This happens both with “import daz favorites“ and “import custom morphs“. For example with golden palace there are “labia presets” which drives “labia length 1-6”. If we import “labia preset 3” then only “labia length 1-3” are imported so “labia preset 3“ doesn’t work fine. The same happens with “blow up anus“ which drives other morphs.

    If I import all the custom morphs by hand then everything works fine.

    I don’t use the morph database. So I don’t know if this is a requirement to correctly import all the missing morphs. Let me know.


    1. in daz studio set labia preset 3 as favorite
    2. easy import with daz favorites, this will import some but not all the missing morphs
    3. test labia preset 3

  15. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Re standard import, you must transfer the shapekeys manually at step 2.5. Import of standard face morphs have an option to transfer to face meshes, but there is no such option when you import custom or favorite morphs, so it has to be done manually. Easy import works because there is a separate transfer step after all morphs have been imported.

  16. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Nope. I specifically mean when we don’t transfer morphs. Easy import works fine and preserves symmetry, while standard import doesn’t. May be in step 1 I should have written “easy import golden.duf with daz favorites and merge geografts, without transfer“. Now corrected.

  17. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    But if we don’t transfer shapekeys the morphs will be wrong in the interior anyway, even if we can fix the boundary. So it is a bad combination of options.

  18. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    The symmetry fix above is for when the user doesn’t want to transfer morphs, or doesn’t want to use morphs. This is useful when we work with “simplified figures”. It may seem “bad“ to you and I may agree to a point, but this is no reason why the fix works with easy import and not with standard import.

    The symmetry fix should be part of merge geograft, so that it works both with easy import and standard import.

    p.s. Plus there’s no reason why merge geograft should preserve symmetry only if we transfer morphs. I mean symmetry is to be preserved anyway otherwise it’s a bug. That’s what the symmetry fix is for.

  19. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, It doesn’t make much sense to me, but now symmetry is preserved. But the interior of the geograft is not affected by the shapekeys.

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