Creating Metarig locks you out of Pose AND Edit Modes **incompatibility with Rigid Body Bones 1.61**

Issue #1484 invalid
Jasper29 created an issue

Tested with commit 1.7.01518 with Blender 3.5 with G8 and G9 (noticed it last commit though):

Steps to recreate:

1: Import any G8 or G9 figure (import settings don’t seem to matter).

2: Select Daz rig and go to ‘Rigging’ panel.

3: Generate Metarig

4: Select metarig and try to go into Pose/and or Edit modes.

NOTE: You can still select meshes and go into edit mode though--this only seems to affect armatures AFTER you generate a metarig with diffeo. I tested Rigify without using Diffeo just in case it was a Rigify or Blender 3.5 issue, but everything works as intended outside of diffeo. See videos:

Comments (13)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I just downloaded Blender 3.5 and I everything looks normal here. However, I noticed at 0:18 that you have something called Wiggle Armature. Perhaps some conflict with another plugin.

  2. Jasper29 reporter

    In the Blender log, I get these errors:

    [Warning: property ‘keep_running’ not found in item ‘OperatorProperties’]


    [Warning: property ‘do_search’ not found in item ‘OperatorProperties’]

  3. Jasper29 reporter

    ok so it’s just me then. So weird because besides updating 3 environment addons, I haven’t done anything else, and I’ve always been able to generate/edit the metarig since 1.6.1. Anyway thank you, you can close issue now. Looks like I’ve got to go looking for a needle in a haystack now…

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    You can try with a fresh addons folder so blender will load only diffeomorphic, then check if it works without the other addons. I have only a few extra addons installed apart those distributed with blender, but I know of people using tons of extra addons so if you’re in this user case yes it is hard to find what conflicts.

    Also note that I tested the new wiggle 2, didn’t test the old wiggle which may have issues with blender 3.5.

  5. Jasper29 reporter

    UPDATE: Just so anyone encountering the same issue knows, I have finally tracked down the addon conflicting with Diffeo-- it is the addon ‘Rigid Body Bones 1.61’

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    @Jasper29 I did read the documentation of “Rigid Body Bones“ and was damn scared, I mean in a bad way. I seriously doubt that this addon could be compatible with any rig, including rigify. Then I didn’t test it so this is just my impression. Specifically below it’s a part of what it does.

    Add Child Of bone constraints to the bones and use Set Inverse.

    Do this again every time you change the bones.

    Unparent/reparent the bones when switching between Pose and Object mode.

    Blender often crashes, so save often! You should especially save right before playing an animation, since that's when most crashes happen.

    It seems based on “compound shape collisions” introduced in blender 2.91. You may have some luck using this addon alone with the daz rig that doesn’t do any IK setup.

  7. Jasper29 reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Yeah, when I looked it up it was eye opening for me as well. I had downloaded it a while ago, used it once or twice, then forgot about it and moved on to other things. I don’t use it and got rid of it. I also did some house cleaning and got rid of a ton of addons I don’t use so hopefully no more serious issues in the future either. Thank you for checking it out and following up👍

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