Unquote bone name in animation

Issue #1492 resolved
Rakete created an issue

I am trying to use the code that imports poses for rigs that are not standard genesis figures, and one problem that I noticed is that if the bone name contains a whitespace character, the pose is not imported. Reason seems to be that everything assumes that property names etc. are unquoted, but the getChannel function in animations.py does not unquote the keys it gets from an animations url.

Simply unquoting the key there fixes importing poses for the non-standard rig I use as test case, though I am wondering if this change would introduce any bugs because maybe some code relies on these keys being not-unquoted?

def getChannel(url):
    words = url.split(":")
    if len(words) == 2:
        key = unquote(words[0])
    elif len(words) == 3:
        words = words[1].rsplit("/",1)
        if len(words) == 2:
            key = unquote(words[1].rsplit("#")[-1])
            return None,None,None
        return None,None,None

    words = url.rsplit("?", 2)
    if len(words) != 2:
        return None,None,None
    words = words[1].split("/")
    if len(words) in [2,3]:
        channel = words[0]
        comp = words[1]
        return key,channel,comp
        return None,None,None

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