Daz Importer has issues with animation import and different frame rates

Issue #1499 invalid
Maneki created an issue

I did a few tests. In Daz I can set animation presets to whatever FPS I want and it looks normal.
When I import animations in Blender with daz importer at 30 FPS it looks normal but as soon as I change the frame rate in Blender to 24 FPS and then import the animation, it’s all extremely choppy.

Here’s comparisons, I did 30 FPS in Blender and 24 FPS in Blender AND Daz:


Importing as 30 FPS and then switch to 24 FPS doesn’t work because then it isn’t choppy but the feet slide.

Comments (5)

  1. Maneki reporter

    Update: I tried saving the animation in Daz applied to the character with 24 FPS and save it as pose preset but when I load it in Blender it’s still choppy. It definitely isn’t the file, daz importer doesn’t seem to like 24 FPS currently.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    You have to uncheck “integer frames“ in import action, since daz studio uses fractional frames when you convert from 30 to 24fps.

    If there’s nothing to add please close as invalid.

  3. Maneki reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Thank you for the clarification. I can’t close it down currently because it appears that Thomas switched to a “needs review” mode while he is gone.

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