Support for Animation (f. e. FBX or MMD, Alembic, Bvh, Collada....)

Issue #15 closed
goodwillsoft created an issue

After using your excellent addon, the only thing missing is Animations!

I’m not quite that up to code to know which format is best for this, but i know FBX screws up poses and does not save material (maybe using the json file helps?)

my guess for best format is posers own format .cr2 , but i found no documentation about it.

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This addon is for loading native Daz files (.duf, .dsf, …). If the Daz file contains an animation, you can load it to an existing character with the Import Action button in the Posing panel, see With the same button it should also be possible to load animations from Poser files, but I haven’t tested that in a long time and am not sure that it still works.

    You can only import key-frame animations. The addon cannot handle aniblocks, because these are stored in an undocumented binary format which I could not figure out. (Particle hair is ignored for the same reason).

    Other formats like FBX or Collada is beyond the scope of this add-on.

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