How file structure "to_daz_studio" have changed?

Issue #150 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Recent versions include” My Library/Scritps/Diffeomorphic” sub foldas, in “to_daz_studio” folda.

Basically user locate “to_daz_stucio” in user library daz scirpts directory.

So I locate “to_daz_studio” in “Mylibrary/scripts/to_daz_studio” as same as before.

Now I can see, new library and script folda in my daz scripts directory as nest.

Do I need to keep your file structure(path) and folad name of these file?🤔

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I assume,, “export_highdef_to_blender.dsa” and “export_to_blender”.dsa may better to locate in same directory of “setup_daz_importer_paths.dsa”

    Though I feel, these file path cause no issue, at least when user locate them in daz userlibrary, and user can find all script files by daz content manager correctly.

    So if you use “Diffeomorphic”as vendor path, all scripts files of this add on (for daz studo) may need to gahter and locate in same directory = “(My Library)/Scritps/Diffeomorphic”

    “My library” may change by each user settings, eg I use “mylbirary” or use “mylibrary2” etc as daz library root name

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    If I zip those files for win user, I may locate 3 scripts files in “to daz studio/Scripts/Diffeomorphic/”

    Then user only need to copy one “Scripts” directory and paste them in their user daz library directory.

    (I do not know about mac file (copy and paste, so do not know if it keep relative paths)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    After all,, all dsa files of this add on may need to be in / “User DAZ studio library”/Scripts/Diffeomorphic/ If we keep daz recommend file structre.

    “User Daz studio library” change often. (many daz user may not use default as daz root directory path, I assume)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    OK, I did not know if I need to keep current file structure for special purpose.

    And I like idea, you make new vendor name for script as same as other daz scripts.

    After all I apreciate new enhancement thanks!😀

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