Character Specific Issue?

Issue #1500 resolved
Maneki created an issue

I get this error with the character above:

This error already appears when I only load the textures on a base mesh. I can’t see anything special with those textures so I’ve no clue what causes this.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.0, diffeomorphic

    I can confirm the issue, test scene tara-v8.duf, I tried to uncheck prune in global settings and with blender 3.3 LTS, same issue. This affects the bsdf and extended principled material options, while single principled works fine. Seems a unsupported property trigging a runtime error so we need to wait for Thomas to check this.


    1. import the test scene tara-v8.duf with bsdf materials

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Welcome back Thomas, hope you had a nice holiday. I took the time to review the old issues and closed some as resolved or invalid.

    Commit f16e73a works fine. If Maneki has nothing to add we may close as resolved.

  3. Maneki reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani I tested it and it seems to work now. Nothing further to add and welcome back Thomas. Thanks for the fix.

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