Is it possible to use 'convert to widgets' option to convert other control rigs and not just the face control rig?

Issue #1518 closed
thisis sparta created an issue

currently I get an error saying ‘not a custom shape mesh’

Comments (10)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    No it is not possible, the code is not designed for a general purpose rig. I agree the name is confusing it should be “Convert G8.1 FACS widgets“ since it’s the only case where it works. May be Thomas used a generic name so that the tool could be expanded to support other rigs but actually there’s none.

    The error message is confusing too, it should say “Unsupported custom shape mesh.”.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    It is possible to convert other rigs, but not planned for now. If there's a specific rig you want conversion for then you can ask here for Thomas to evaluate, but if it is commercial it is unlikely to be implemented. As I understand it Thomas only wants to support the standard rigs provided free with daz studio.

    If there are no news I’ll close as “wontfix”, or invalid if no specific rigs are requested.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I have started to look into the controls for advanced pussy. They are different from the facs controls, because they drive bones rather than properties. WIP.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The control rig now works for AP, sort of. You have to convert the control mesh to widgets manually, but that is a minor nuisance. However, AP turns out to have some really nasty deformations, so I would avoid that anyway.

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