There is a problem with the baking of HD Character's textures.

Issue #1519 resolved
Prenses Karolin created an issue

Hi, I'm working on G9 characters, so I apply HD morphs to a character in Daz and add details to body (like wrinkles)

Then I save it in HD and import the character in Blender with the plugin. Finally, I move on to baking the Normal and Displacement maps of the textures.

However, due to an error I encountered for the first time, the cooking process does not start.

I have used this method many times before (both on G8 and G9) but this is the first time I have tried to bake in the latest version of the plugin.

As a result, I encountered the error I have shared as a picture in the attachment.
There is no problem with the old version plugins, but there is a problem with the latest version plugin.
Or the method may have changed, not sure.
Can you help me with this?

Blender Version: Latest

Add-On Version: Latest

Character: Tiffany G9

The morphs I use: I have used a very large number and type of HD morphs (maybe around 20-30)

Comments (5)

  1. Prenses Karolin reporter

    I just tried HD Texture baking on a G8 character and got the same error.
    I think the new version of the plugin seems to have the same problem for all genesis.

    I also installed version 1.6.0 of the Add-On and tried to bake the HD texture there.
    As a result, it baked without any problems.

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