Help with Animation Export back to Daz

Issue #1521 invalid
DreamBig Games created an issue

Hey, I am running into some problems exporting animations using the “Save Pose Preset” option.
When I click on that, I am getting this:

Before clicking on that option, my animation is like this:

I have tried to bake the animation to FK ( Object - Animation- Bake ( with the options ), before doing “Save Pose Preset”, but it’s not helping.

Any help on how to fix this would be great.

I have attached the Blend file.


Comments (25)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Be sure to update to the dev version since there’s recent improvements on that.

    For the simple ik rig uncheck bones, also check constraints and action since usually you don’t want constraints after baking. For mhx you have to use the mhx tools for baking, that’s mhx > animation > transfer ik to fk. For rigify there’s baking tools in the rigify panels, personally I’m not able to use them properly though.

    If there’s nothing to add please close as invalid.

    p.s. Do not upload blender files since it is against the DAZ EULA. You can only upload duf files.

  2. DreamBig Games reporter

    Thanks for your reply.

    So, I have intalled this 1.6.2 version ( Is this the dev version??? ) :

    But, we still have the same problem.

    This is how it looks before doing “Bake Pose to FK Rig”:

    And this is how it looks after:

    As you can see, her left leg and arms are in a differnt pose.

    These are the IK Rig Settings:

    This is how it looks after using the Blender Bake Action with your settings:

    And this is how it looks in Daz:

    Now, regardless if I use “Bake Pose to FK Rig” or not, the Daz Result is the same.
    If I don’t use the Blender Bake action, and I use “Bake Pose to FK Rig”, I am getting this:

    And in Daz, I am getting the same result.

  3. DreamBig Games reporter

    As a side note, is there a Discord server or Forum where I can seek further help about Diffeo?

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    For the simple ik rig you have to use the blender bake tool as I explained above. Indeed in your examples I see it works fine. As for daz studio you have to remove limits, as is usual when loading poses and animations. You may also need to unlock if some bones are translated, shouldn’t be needed if you only use rotation keyframes.

    in daz studio:

    • select > children
    • edit > figure > limits > off
    • edit > figure > lock > unlock nodes

  5. DreamBig Games reporter

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have unlocked ( both rotation and translation, just to be sure ), but I am getting the same result.
    So, to sumarise:
    With simple IK rig, I bake in Belnder, it seems to work fine.
    When I export, hands and legs are in slightly different poses. I assume this is connected with the IK controler for feet and hands.

    Tried this on 3 different animations ( we created the animations initially to be exported into Ue4, and exporting them there works fine (( we use Better FBX to export to Ue4 )) , now we want to get those animations into Daz too ), and in all of them we are getting this problem.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Are you sure that you are applying the animation in daz studio on a figure with the exact same proportions ? Because different proportions will cause those issues, for example if you animate on G8F in blender then export to Victoria 8 in daz studio.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Please upload the animation so we can check it. Do not include the mesh in the scene there’s no need, the simple ik rig armature is enough. This way you’re safe with the daz eula.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    The animation you uploaded is already baked. To test baking I need the non baked version.

    I noticed you didn’t use quaternions, this may cause gimbal locks when you export back to daz studio. Did you use daz orientation in global settings ?

    I see you added extra bones to the rig, also control bones, this may confuse the plugin when exporting to daz.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    Ok I believe I got it.

    In your rig you use extra custom bones and controls, and it seems they confuse the plugin when you export to daz. If you delete the extra bones after baking then everything works fine. Below there’s frame 0 in daz studio after exporting, where the legs and hands are correctly placed, the animation is also working fine.


    1. bake
    2. delete your extra custom bones
    3. export to daz

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    No, I am referring to the custom bones that you added to the simple ik rig.

    There’s also Back/Front L/R added in layer zero.

  11. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas Larsson let us know if you want to improve “save pose preset” to ignore custom bones added to the rig, otherwise I'll close as invalid.

  12. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t think the custom bones are the issue. Rather, rotation locks and limits are. E.g., the lThingBend rotates around the Y axis although it is locked. Turn off rotation locks and limits at the bottom of the Posing panel before saving the pose preset.

  13. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now I notice that the save pose preset tool has an option called Include Locked Channels. Enable that before saving the preset.

  14. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Btw, your blend file does not seem healthy. There are warnings about dependency loops in the terminal window, and it tends to crash.

  15. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes, I can confirm that unlocking before saving works fine. We also have to unlock the figure in daz studio as explained above. Thank you Thomas for looking into this, if there’s nothing to add we may mark as invalid then, since it’s a issue with the posing parameters, not a bug.

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