Poser content error on import to blender as .duf

Issue #153 closed
Lee John created an issue

Receiving an “ file has no attribute 'isSourced' “ error on blender import of MOST poser content when saved as duf.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This seems to happen when an asset uses another asset as a source. Unfortunately, I have not managed to create such a situation, so the code that does this has never been properly tested. I moved around some code and this particular error should not arise, but probably something else happens.

  2. Lee John reporter

    This is the error blender throws now.

    b66e61cf37\cycles.py", line 1309, in multiplyScalarTex
    self.links.new(tex.outputs[slot], mult.inputs[1])
    IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 3 out of range, size 2

  3. Lee John reporter

    I created a new scene from scratch and the error stopped, so i’m not sure what caused the new issue.

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