textures in blender 3.5.1 are looking silvery

Issue #1536 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I didn't post a blend file because you're already probably know about this But if you need one i'll send one but everything looks fine in blender 3.3.6 LTS

Comments (12)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    You mean the issue is fixed with 3.5.1, there were various issues with textures in 3.5.0. Otherwise if you mean that 3.5.1 doesn’t work then please provide the exact steps, it seems to work fine here. You can also provide a test scene in duf format as simple as possible to reproduce the issue. Providing a blend file is not useful since it could be an incompatibility bug among blender versions, that could not be resolved with the plugin, also blend files can’t be shared as for the DAZ EULA.



    note. important. If one wants to work safely with blender, unfortunately the only way is to use LTS versions. Since non LTS can include unfixed bugs, also major bugs.

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I think I agree with you there I'll just use LTS because I'm in a production environment

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK it's not a big deal It's because of the deprecated nodes … this was blender 3.4.One I had to move over to that version for another reason …here's a screenshot.. if you could take that into account and and edit the stable versions I know you don't normally do that but that's kind of a really big issue to have in a stable version

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    everything's OK It turns out version 1.6.1 my usual go to 'cause it has the least errors, is completely deprecated so I installed version 1.70 and no issue Thank you so much for making a new stable version you guys should advertise this on the Super Bowl

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OKI remember I did some stuff yesterday…. forgot completely what it wasbut I might have just reimported the model and added all the textures from it to my animated version so it looked right …. but the end result is in blender 3.5.1 using version 1.7 of your add on the latest stable version I do gotta working character with working good textures

  6. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And if you guys want here's the latest copy of my add on free…….. latest feature is Google F3 Voice search One click Green Screen keying fastest Way in the world to create a beautiful blender theme... and move scale and rotate XY&Z buttons with a nudge so you could get super precise with them ….they're on the transform menu in the new right click fast menu it's totally optimized for use with Diffeomorphic… https://toapyandfriends.gumroad.com/l/super-solid-mode free code == ( toapy-and-friends-free-codes ) programmed a lot of this myself I'm learning python and Google voice to 3D text… if this seems like a promo just delete it but keep the add on you'll get all future updates with that FREE code and there's gonna be a bunch I'm designing the perfect workflow for fast anim production and everything is centered around the fact that you would use diffiemorphic for the perfect workflow… Owen you're out on is so awesome and you're so nice to do this from people Anything you want feel free to take from this and use in yours but if you do let me know so I can get bragging rights (in a kind and constructive way)… All that matters is that DIFFIEMORPHIC has the best stuff…. if you do want anything then it's just like I'm a developer two kinda and you could take my ideas and any way I could help… you could keep doing that if you ever see a new update Just grab anything… I come up with the coolest ideas but so do you!

  7. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    It's not just myself I've had some of the most genius programmers on fiverr working on this too

  8. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    and on another note I had a scene that was just lagging for days It's like a 3 gigabyte scene but I disabled like all my collections except for one Genesis 8 And it turns out just disabling and reenabling her eyelashes in the viewport made it go fast again…. a feature request would be for faster animating like a button that would automatically replace and disable original hair including eyelashes with low poly versions(toulouse) for animating and then like a button that would revert all the changes for render I work on 3 gigabyte scenes though but then diffiemorphic would be more high performance….. If you guys aren't interested I'll put that on my list

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