Importing figure with ArKit (Genesis 8.1)

Issue #1557 invalid
Amarok2D created an issue

Im having trouble as in whenever i export my figures regardless of which genesis figure i use 3,8 or 8.1 into blender version 3 and up i cant find a way to export Arkit Blendshapes even though i have them installed in Daz3d, is there a way i can export a figure 8.1 or 9 with ArKit Blendshapes prioritized. Idk tho because in the regular crappy daztoblender bridge i can select this feature even though it doesnt show up in blender shapekeys+ lol

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I don’t know about Arkit but you can use facecap and livelink animations by importing FACS.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If ArKit uses the same file format as FaceCap or LiveLink, it should be possible to import it with the buttons in the FACS panel. If it is a different format it won’t work at this time. However, if you upload a sample file I may be able to implement it.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    @Amarok2D If there’s nothing to add I’ll mark as invalid. Supposing you go for the FACS.

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