Character deforming and IK Bones not working

Issue #156 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

I don’t know why, but sometimes some of my files stop working when I update the addon, things like the IK bones not affecting the skeleton, face deforming, etc. When I hit the button “Update All”, it gets fixed, however the face and genitalia are still getting deformed, I found out that what I need to do to get it normal again is selecting all bone layers, go to Pose Mode, select all bones, and clear Rotation, Location and Scale (Alt+R, Alt+G, Alt+S), and it’s now as it should be, now the thing is, if this happens to someone who doesn’t know how to fix it, it’d be horrible, so if you can fix this, it’d be nice, thank you

This is how the character looks like:

And this is how it looks like after “Update All”

Final note: this is fixed, I mean, I can still work even if this happens, but what I want is for this to not happen again, please.

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