Geograft Golden palace Genesis 3 not able to import Morphs.

Issue #1563 resolved
Jessy Berbers created an issue

Sorry to bug again for an issue…

I am trying to import the custom morphs onto a golden palace Geograft.
I have both the character selected and the Geograft and now get this message?
This worked before on other versions just fine.
I am using a Genesis 3 figure with Golden Palace gens.
And i have not linked the character, despite the message claiming the character is linked.

Comments (33)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.1, diffeomorphic

    Just tested and works fine here. I used the daz favorites to import some morphs with easy import. Also tested with standard import and custom morphs I get no errors. Test scene included gp-g3f.duf. Be sure to update to the dev version before submitting a bug report, because new fixes are included there. Also do a clean install.

    A blend file is not useful for testing the importer. You have to provide a duf as simple as possible with exact steps. DAZ Favorites


    1. easy import gp-g3f.duf with daz favorites and merge geografts

    alternate steps:

    1. standard import gp-g3f.duf and merge rigs
    2. import the desired golden palace custom morphs
    3. merge geograft

  2. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Still having an issue with this.
    Now it is claiming a file is missing, while the files is right there.
    And yes i installed the newest i could get my hands on from here, done the guide you linked.

    Reinstalled it 4 times over the past 2 days.

    ERROR (
    Did not find path:
    Path: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/G3F_GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/My Pinkness/Clitoris_Cleavage.dsf"
    Ref: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/G3F_GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/My%20Pinkness/Clitoris_Cleavage.dsf"
    Case-sensitive paths: False
    For details see
    'C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\Documents\daz_importer_errors.txt'
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 214, in execute
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 1243, in run
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 92, in loadAllMorphs
    return self.loadAllMorphs1(namepaths)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 122, in loadAllMorphs1
    self.makeAllMorphs(namepaths, True)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 157, in makeAllMorphs
    char = self.makeSingleMorph(name, path, bodypart, force)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 181, in makeSingleMorph
    skey,ok = self.buildShape(asset)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 312, in buildShape
    addSkeyToUrls(self.mesh, asset, skey)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 800, in addSkeyToUrls
    item.s = GS.getAbsPath(asset.fileref)
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 545, in getAbsPath
    reportError(msg, trigger=(3,4))
    File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 92, in reportError
    raise DazError(msg)
    <File None>
    <File None>
    <Morph Anus Gape_Out 0.000000 2254 107 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus Gape_Out"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus Gape_Out')>
    <File None>
    <Morph AnusGape_Height 0.000000 2254 498 (['Key'].key_blocks["AnusGape_Height"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'AnusGape_Height')>
    <File None>
    <Morph AnusGape_Width 0.000000 2254 535 (['Key'].key_blocks["AnusGape_Width"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'AnusGape_Width')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Anus_Open1 0.000000 2254 451 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open1"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open1')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Anus_Open2 0.000000 2254 579 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open2"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open2')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Anus_Open3 0.000000 2254 579 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open3"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open3')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Bridge_Forward 0.000000 2254 20 (['Key'].key_blocks["Bridge_Forward"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Bridge_Forward')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Clitoris Inflate 0.000000 2254 89 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris Inflate"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris Inflate')>
    <File None>
    <Morph Clitoris_Cleavage 0.000000 2254 15 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris_Cleavage"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris_Cleavage')>
    0:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library"
    1:   "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library"
    2:   "C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library"
    3:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My Daz3D library Old/My DAZ 3D Library OLD"
    4:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library/Shader Presets/Iray"
    DazAbsScanPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/import_daz_scanned_absolute_paths.json"
    DazAltSss:    False
    DazAutoMorphArmatures:    False
    DazCaseSensitivePaths:    False
    DazCustomMax:    5.0
    DazCustomMin:    -5.0
    DazDecalMask:    ""
    DazDisplayLimitRot:    True
    DazDump:    True
    DazErrorPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/daz_importer_errors.txt"
    DazFakeCaustics:    True
    DazFavoPath:    ""
    DazFinalLimits:    "DAZ"
    DazGhostLights:    False
    DazHDArmature:    True
    DazHairGuides:    False
    DazHandleLightSettings:    "WARN"
    DazHandleRenderSettings:    "UPDATE"
    DazHighdef:    True
    DazIgnoreHiddenObjects:    True
    DazImageInterpolation:    "Cubic"
    DazInheritScale:    False
    DazKeepBaseMesh:    True
    DazLowerResFolders:    True
    DazMakeHiddenSliders:    True
    DazMaterialMethod:    "SELECT"
    DazMaterialsByIndex:    False
    DazMaterialsByName:    False
    DazMaxSubdivs:    4
    DazMorphCatsContent:    ""
    DazMorphMultiplier:    1.0
    DazMorphPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents"
    DazMultiUvLayers:    True
    DazMultires:    True
    DazNewCatName:    "Name"
    DazOnFaceMaps:    "NEVER"
    DazPreferredRoot:    "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library"
    DazProtect:    True
    DazPruneNodes:    True
    DazRescanOnChange:    True
    DazScaleEyeMoisture:    True
    DazScanPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/Scanned DAZ Database"
    DazShellMethod:    "MATERIAL"
    DazShowCloudDirs:    True
    DazShowContentDirs:    True
    DazShowFinalProps:    False
    DazShowHiddenObjects:    False
    DazShowInTerminal:    True
    DazShowMDLDirs:    True
    DazShowPaths:    False
    DazSimulation:    True
    DazSliderLimits:    "DAZ"
    DazStrengthAdjusters:    "NONE"
    DazStripCategory:    False
    DazUnflipped:    False
    DazUnitScale:    0.009999999776482582
    DazUnusedTextures:    False
    DazUseArmature:    True
    DazUseAutoSmooth:    True
    DazUseDazOrientation:    True
    DazUseDisplacement:    True
    DazUseERC:    True
    DazUseEmission:    True
    DazUseInstancing:    True
    DazUseLimitLoc:    True
    DazUseLimitRot:    True
    DazUseLockLoc:    True
    DazUseLockRot:    True
    DazUseModifiedMesh:    True
    DazUseQuaternions:    False
    DazUseReflection:    True
    DazUseShapekeys:    True
    DazUseSssSkin:    False
    DazUseWorld:    "DOME"
    DazVerbosity:    5
    DazViewportColor:    "GUESS"
    DazZup:    True

    Z:\Daz3Dlibrary\My DAZ 3D Library\data\Meipex\GoldenPalace\G3F_GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2\Morphs\Meipex\Base

    Added all my libraries even the empty C drive ones. (or supposed to be empty and not supposed to be touched because they are empty)

  3. Jessy Berbers reporter

    After inspecting this a little bit, Diffeo is thinking the files are in the wrong folder.
    One that doesnt exist in the standard install of the V2 GP.
    /data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/G3F_GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/My Pinkness/

    That should be


    Aka that My Pinkness needs to be removed and replaced with Base, atleast for the G3F version.
    Maybe that My Pinkness folder exists for G8F or the new G9?
    but not on the G3 version.
    And just to show you it doesnt exist.
    Here it is on the zip file freshly downloaded from Renderotica

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    As I understand it you have a missing asset. That is, “my pinkness” doesn’t exist in the standard golden palace installation, but it may be an extension that you used in your scene then uninstalled for some reason. But if you have a missing asset then daz studio should report it too. Unless the extension is in a daz folder that you didn’t mapped in blender, for example using daz connect.

    Here I have golden palace v2 G3F G8F and golden palace G9, no “my pinkness“ folder, no errors.

    You can try with a fresh new scene. If the error goes away then it is the old scene referencing a missing asset.


    1. reinstall golden palace v2 G3F
    2. make a new scene with G3F or Victoria 7 and GP
    3. import in blender

    Or you can also try my test scene gp-g3f.duf to see if it works fine for you. Or provide your own test scene as simple as possible with exact steps as already explained above.

    p.s. Please understand that here we are not trying to make your scene work, we are testing if there are bugs in diffeomorphic that’s a different thing. If you messed up your scene for any reason it is of no interest here and a waste of time for us.

  5. Jessy Berbers reporter

    I have no idea how that my pinkness even ended up in there.
    I have reinstalled GP V2 G3F

    then made a new scene with a standard G3F figure.
    Imported into blender, and got the same exact problem.
    This my pinkness thing missing.

    As for Diffeo bugs, i think this is definately a Diffeo bug.
    Diffeo is obviously referencing something that doesnt even exist.
    And to my knowledge never has there isnt even an asset on the internet related to GP, called My Pinkness.

    Also Funny enough, dazstudio does not report a missing asset.
    It is purely and only Diffeo that does that.

    PS first file the zip contains the duf file and dbz to give you more to go of, as to what is happening here.

  6. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Did a completely new install of the G3F golden palace, different result.

    Loading DAZ
    DAZ loaded
    Load settings from C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/import-daz-settings-28x.json
    Loading MHX RTS
    MHX RTS loaded
    Read blend: G:#00-ToBlenderLocal\G3F Imported Blender.blend
    Did not find fingerprint 2254-4491-2238
    Load 164 morphs to Golden Palace Gens
    Making morphs
    Anus Gape_Out
    Clitoris Inflate
    Clitoris_Out 2Did not find path:Path: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"Ref: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"Case-sensitive paths: FalseWARN (bpy.rna): C:\Users\blender\git\blender-v350\blender.git\source\blender\python\intern\bpy_rna.c:1341 pyrna_enum_to_py: current value '0' matches no enum in 'Scene', 'Scene', 'DazMorphCatsContent'WARN (bpy.rna): C:\Users\blender\git\blender-v350\blender.git\source\blender\python\intern\bpy_rna.c:1341 pyrna_enum_to_py: current value '0' matches no enum in 'Scene', 'Scene', 'DazMorphCatsContent'ERROR ( not find path:Path: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"Ref: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"Case-sensitive paths: FalseFor details see'C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\Documents\daz_importer_errors.txt'
    ERROR (
    Did not find path:
    Path: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"
    Ref: "/data/Meipex/GoldenPalace/GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2/Morphs/Meipex/Base/Clitoris_Out3.dsf"
    Case-sensitive paths: False
    For details see
    'C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\Documents\daz_importer_errors.txt'
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 214, in execute
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 1243, in run
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 92, in loadAllMorphs
        return self.loadAllMorphs1(namepaths)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 122, in loadAllMorphs1
        self.makeAllMorphs(namepaths, True)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 157, in makeAllMorphs
        char = self.makeSingleMorph(name, path, bodypart, force)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 181, in makeSingleMorph
        skey,ok = self.buildShape(asset)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 312, in buildShape
        addSkeyToUrls(self.mesh, asset, skey)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 800, in addSkeyToUrls
        item.s = GS.getAbsPath(asset.fileref)
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 545, in getAbsPath
        reportError(msg, trigger=(3,4))
      File "C:\Users\Jessy Berbers\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import_daz-52c5e820d696\", line 92, in reportError
        raise DazError(msg)
      <File None>
      <File None>
      <Morph Anus Gape_Out 0.000000 2254 107 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus Gape_Out"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus Gape_Out')>
      <File None>
      <Morph AnusGape_Height 0.000000 2254 498 (['Key'].key_blocks["AnusGape_Height"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'AnusGape_Height')>
      <File None>
      <Morph AnusGape_Width 0.000000 2254 535 (['Key'].key_blocks["AnusGape_Width"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'AnusGape_Width')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Anus_Open1 0.000000 2254 451 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open1"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open1')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Anus_Open2 0.000000 2254 579 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open2"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open2')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Anus_Open3 0.000000 2254 579 (['Key'].key_blocks["Anus_Open3"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Anus_Open3')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Bridge_Forward 0.000000 2254 20 (['Key'].key_blocks["Bridge_Forward"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Bridge_Forward')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Clitoris Inflate 0.000000 2254 89 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris Inflate"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris Inflate')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Clitoris_Out 2 0.000000 2254 192 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris_Out 2"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris_Out 2')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Clitoris_Out 0.000000 2254 132 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris_Out"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris_Out')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Clitoris_Cleavage 0.000000 2254 15 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris_Cleavage"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris_Cleavage')>
      <File None>
      <Morph Clitoris_Out3 0.000000 2254 110 (['Key'].key_blocks["Clitoris_Out3"],['Golden Palace Gens'], 'Clitoris_Out3')>
    0:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library"
    1:   "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library"
    2:   "C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library"
    3:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My Daz3D library Old/My DAZ 3D Library OLD"
    4:   "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library/Shader Presets/Iray"
               DazAbsScanPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/import_daz_scanned_absolute_paths.json"
                    DazAltSss:    False
        DazAutoMorphArmatures:    False
        DazCaseSensitivePaths:    False
                 DazCustomMax:    5.0
                 DazCustomMin:    -5.0
                 DazDecalMask:    ""
           DazDisplayLimitRot:    True
                      DazDump:    True
                 DazErrorPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/daz_importer_errors.txt"
              DazFakeCaustics:    True
                  DazFavoPath:    ""
               DazFinalLimits:    "DAZ"
               DazGhostLights:    False
                DazHDArmature:    True
                DazHairGuides:    False
       DazHandleLightSettings:    "WARN"
      DazHandleRenderSettings:    "UPDATE"
                   DazHighdef:    True
       DazIgnoreHiddenObjects:    True
        DazImageInterpolation:    "Cubic"
              DazInheritScale:    False
              DazKeepBaseMesh:    True
           DazLowerResFolders:    True
         DazMakeHiddenSliders:    True
            DazMaterialMethod:    "SELECT"
          DazMaterialsByIndex:    False
           DazMaterialsByName:    False
                DazMaxSubdivs:    4
          DazMorphCatsContent:    ""
           DazMorphMultiplier:    1.0
                 DazMorphPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents"
             DazMultiUvLayers:    True
                  DazMultires:    True
                DazNewCatName:    "Name"
                DazOnFaceMaps:    "NEVER"
             DazPreferredRoot:    "Z:/Daz3Dlibrary/My DAZ 3D Library"
                   DazProtect:    True
                DazPruneNodes:    True
            DazRescanOnChange:    True
                 DazSSSMethod:    "RANDOM_WALK_FIXED_RADIUS"
          DazScaleEyeMoisture:    True
                  DazScanPath:    "C:/Users/Jessy Berbers/Documents/Scanned DAZ Database"
               DazShellMethod:    "MATERIAL"
             DazShowCloudDirs:    True
           DazShowContentDirs:    True
            DazShowFinalProps:    False
         DazShowHiddenObjects:    False
            DazShowInTerminal:    True
               DazShowMDLDirs:    True
                 DazShowPaths:    False
                DazSimulation:    True
              DazSliderLimits:    "DAZ"
         DazStrengthAdjusters:    "NONE"
             DazStripCategory:    False
                 DazUnflipped:    False
                 DazUnitScale:    0.009999999776482582
            DazUnusedTextures:    False
               DazUseArmature:    True
             DazUseAutoSmooth:    True
         DazUseDazOrientation:    True
           DazUseDisplacement:    True
                    DazUseERC:    True
               DazUseEmission:    True
             DazUseInstancing:    True
               DazUseLimitLoc:    True
               DazUseLimitRot:    True
                DazUseLockLoc:    True
                DazUseLockRot:    True
           DazUseModifiedMesh:    True
            DazUseQuaternions:    False
             DazUseReflection:    True
              DazUseShapekeys:    True
                DazUseSssSkin:    False
                  DazUseWorld:    "DOME"
                 DazVerbosity:    5
             DazViewportColor:    "GUESS"
                       DazZup:    True

    It gets stuck on clitoris_out3

    but the file is right there!
    Yet Diffeo claims its not there.

  7. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Ok this problem is getting weirder and weirder, i can import morphs. Or at-least certain ones, but only after having imported other ones.
    Something here is being weird.
    There seems to be an order of them that needs to be followed else it fails to import them.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    Your test scene loads fine here I get no errors. As for the morphs you can try the daz favorites as suggested above, that’s much easier than loading custom morphs by hand. I noticed that your errors report 1.7.0 while your screenshots report 1.7.1 so you probably failed to clean install.

    I understand reinstalling golden palace resolved the missing “my pinkness“ folder, that means you previously had a corrupted installation with some left overs.

  9. Jessy Berbers reporter

    the guide you linked though is outdated, so i have no idea where it is keeping further settings files or something.
    Seeing as when i Remove the addon from Blender and go to the folder the guide tells me to go, there is nothing there to delete.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    I’m not sure what you mean. There’s nothing unusual in the clean install procedure it’s the same for every addon.

    clean install:

    1. disable the addon in blender
    2. delete the addon folder
    3. install the new version

  11. Jessy Berbers reporter

    I am exactly doing that but something remains regardless, like the settings never actually resetting.

  12. Alessandro Padovani

    That’s ok the settings are not supposed to reset. There’s a button to “load factory settings” in the global settings panel if you want to. Or delete the settings file in the user folder.

  13. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Did a complete utter reset of everything involving Blender and Diffeo, removed blender and all the older versions. And reinstalled.
    Then did a Factory reset.

    It Still gives me the same problem.
    Heck i am back to the My Pinkness problem.
    I give up….maybe in a few versions this is finally randomly fixed. Somehow…..

  14. Alessandro Padovani

    Unfortunately I get no errors your test scene works fine here. So it must be something on your side.

    One last try. If you use the database you have to update it when you change something in the daz content folder, otherwise there’s misalignment. You can also try to delete the database in “scanned daz database“. Personally I don’t use the database.

  15. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Far as i know i dont use the database.

    Maybe i am just doing something wrong here?

  16. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes you are importing all the custom morphs that’s not good. That way I get warnings too though not your specific error.

    I already told you it is not easy to import the custom morphs by hand, you have to know exactly what to import and what not or the plugin will react appropriately. It is much easier to use the daz favorites as explained above.

  17. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Alright, geuss i will have to start to make lists then of which morphs work and do not work.
    Despite previously just last week i could just select everything, and it worked.

  18. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas Larsson Can you please give this a look. I can’t reproduce the issue here but there may be some bug if we trust what Jessy is reporting.

    Personally I believe the average user can’t handle the “import custom morphs“ tool because it is hard to understand which morphs can be imported and which not. Now that we have “daz favorites” and “baked correctives” we may move “import custom morphs” to the advanced section meaning the user has to be experienced to use that.


    1. standard import the test scene gp-g3f.duf, that requires g3f and golden palace for g3f
    2. merge rigs
    3. import all the custom morphs for golden palace

  19. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Thank you Thomas.
    My fix. for now.
    This somewhat worked but still is missing a few more Morphs.

    Custom Morphs golden palace import all upto Clitoris_out 2
    then Import from Full preset to Root hood upper
    after that import Clitoris_out3
    Skip over the Hymen morphs for now and import from Labia Close to Labia Majora_Inflate
    Proceed to import Labia-Minora_Inflate to LabiaMinora4 then Import LabiaMinora_length 5 otherwise it will give error
    then import LabiaMinora_length 6
    then proceed to import LabiaMinora_MoveLeft01 to LabiaMinora_MoveLeft11
    Next is LabiaMinora_MoveRight01 upto LabiaMinora_MoveRight11
    Labia Minora_Pinch1 to MonsVeneris_Forward
    Right Labium Minora Side-Side upto VaginaGape_Width
    Go to the Hymen Forward and select down to Hymen_Smooth this will now work.

  20. Alessandro Padovani

    My opinion and advice. In blender it makes little sense to import the full morphs set. Most morphs are needed just to make a “shape“ that you like and those will be baked in the dbz. Then you need some morphs for animation and those are the only one to import as custom morphs. Then again “daz favorites” is much more handy for this.

    But I understand that others may have different needs.

  21. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Things is not even daz favourites work, i get the same errors about the same morphs and Diffeo stopping to import any further afterwards.
    So i get no more morphs, because it just stops.

  22. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The issue should be gone in the last commit. All morphs are loaded without errors.

    There was a problem with the jcms that depend on both x and z rotation. Before I assumed that all multipliers are properties, but here it is a bone rotation.

    The plugin no longer catches type errors in general, but only when it fails to add items to a property group. That only happens for linked characters, I think, so in that case the error message makes sense.

  23. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit 4d2e156 works fine here. I no longer get the “linked“ error and all morphs load fine, including “clitoris_out_3“.

    Steps as above.

  24. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    One needs to be careful when importing custom morphs. It is usually best not to import FBM and JCM morphs, because most of the time those files only contain the shapekeys and not the formulas for the drivers. Instead, import FBMs and JCMs to the base character and transfer the morphs to the geograft; the transfer tool automatically loads the geograft shapekeys if it finds any. However, the mix jcms pJCM_ThFwMix_L and pJCM_ThFwMix_R (which triggered the error) have to be loaded, since they don’t have counterparts for the body and have their own formulas.

    OTOH, it doesn’t hurt to import the other jcms too, provided that you also transfer them from the body later to get the drivers. The plugin only has to do some extra work but the end result should be the same. Normally we don’t want to import FBM morphs at all, since they are baked into the dbz file.

    So importing custom morphs can be tricky, but I don’t want to move the button to the advanced panel, since it is something that I do frequently.

  25. Jessy Berbers reporter

    Ok, i have Completely reinstalled my PC.
    A fresh install of Daz3D 4.21
    I havent even touched the default library folders.
    A fresh install of Blender 3.5.1
    And a fresh install of the Golden Palace stuff

    the Vagina, the Futa, and the Dicktator, and these are the only things installed into my Daz Library.
    I have favourited the morphs i want to take from Daz to Blender (which is all of them)
    And i Still! Get the same My pinkness rubbish.
    This can no longer be Just on my end.

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