Face Controls Eyes driver wrong formula, control bone moves l/r_Eye in opposite direction

Issue #1564 resolved
Rakete created an issue

The l_Eye and r_Eye bones in the Face Controls move opposite of the Eyes control bone, this is because the driver assigned to l/r_Eye(drv).location.y has a formula that negates its input, which it shouldn’t'.

Comments (11)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Which version of the plugin are you using. I recall having problems with the eyes, but that must have been a year ago.

    The eyes are tricky because for a bone that points along the global Y axis (almost), a small shift in the direction may flip the roll angle by 180 degrees. Does the problem arise even if you import the character with Mesh Fitting set to one of the Unmorphed options?

  2. Rakete reporter

    I still run my own fork with some of my own modifications. But I try to always keep it up-to-date with the latest master. To make sure none of my changes are actually causing the problem I just tried vanilla import_daz with the latest master.

    I have a figure in Daz with the Face Controls, then I save the scene and Export To Blender. And then I import it in Blender through the standard import (not easy import). Then I select the Face Controls mesh and Convert to Widgets (and also Make All Bones Posable).

    I tried doing that with both the DBZ File import and with the Unmorphed Unique import. In both cases the Face Controls had the same problem.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.1, diffeomorphic

    Tried with G81F and everything works fine here. The only defect is that the eyes are not perfectly centered when I use the control, there’s a little squint, but the same issue is in daz studio so the plugin imports fine.

    @Rakete If this issue is specific to a customization you did on the importer for your own use then I don’t see how this is relevant here.


    1. standard import G81F with face controls and merge rigs
    2. import facs and make all bones posable
    3. use the “Eyes” control

  4. Rakete reporter

    I gave you the steps I have. I just tried again with just Genesis 8.1 Female (so not my custom figure) and it still has the same problem. I am using Blender 3.3.6

    I don’t merge anything, I just “Export to Blender” in Daz, import in Blender, click the Face Controls mesh, Convert to Widgets, and then I move the Eyes bone left and right to check if it moves correctly.

    I also tried Easy Import, same problem. No idea what to give you to help debug this. What are your drivers like? Is their formula “-A”?

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.1, diffeomorphic

    bug. face controls. Ok I can reproduce the issue and found the culprit. It’s the daz orientation. With standard orientation it works fine. Please note that in the latest commits the daz orientation is unchecked by default and marked as experimental.


    1. in global settings set daz orientation
    2. import G81F with face controls and merge rigs
    3. test the “Eyes“ control, the “r_Eye” and “l_Eye“ controls are reversed as shown in the video by Rakete

    Below it’s the driver for “l_Eye“ location Y. The expression is “-A”, while if we use the standard orientation then it is “A” and works fine.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit b81c1ba.

    @Thomas Larsson I’m not sure if you forgot about this one. The issue and solution are above, it’s not fixed yet.

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