Custom Clothe Morph Issue

Issue #1568 invalid
Aaron Vasquez created an issue

Hi, I is there anybody who knows why custom clothe morph does not work? I am using G9

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.1, diffeomorphic

    I tried to export G8F with the Bardot outfit and works fine here. You can try the steps below to see if it works for you. Or provide exact specifications and steps to follow to reproduce the issue same as I do here. If necessary you can also upload a test scene in duf format as simple as possible. DAZ Favorites


    1. in daz studio load G8F and the Bardot outfit
    2. mark some morphs as favorites
    3. export to blender
    4. in blender easy import with daz favorites

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    @Aaron Vasquez If there are no news I’ll close as invalid assuming this is a user error. Everything works fine here. Or provide steps and specs as requested.

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