Bone rotation error with G9 character

Issue #1569 resolved
jjfbdcb created an issue

I’m currently using the latest version (, and the version of blender is 3.5. I tried to apply a pose on a Genesis 9 figure. However, shoulder of the mesh twisted in a strange way, as shown in the picture below. After further study, I found out that bone l_upperarmtwist1 was rotating in the wrong direction. Then, I fell back to a previous version (1.7.0), and with the same procedure the problem doesn’t exist anymore. As a result, I believe that the problem is brought in by the new version.

Comments (10)

  1. jjfbdcb reporter

    It seems that the issue really goes away after unchecking “daz orientation“. I never use prebended figures, so problems for me is already solved. But I will still keep watching this issue, and providing necessary information to help you solve the problem if needed.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Daz orientation should work with G9 now. Both the upper arm and the forearm twist bones on the left side twisted in the wrong direction.

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