Materials Exporter to UE4

Issue #157 closed
Chuki Cicha created an issue

I know that maybe this has nothing to do with your addon, but it would be nice to have a way to export the materials to UE4, currently when you export an FBX to ue4, the materials that are exported are the viewport ones, I don’t know if there’s some way to copy the material nodes and paste them into unreal, or if you can somehow export each material as a file and then import them into ue4, but I’d love to have something like that, cause right now every change I do on the materials in blender, it’ll just stay there and won’t affect when I export the fbx. Thank you!
I’ve read something that a workaround is to bake each of the materials and then export them to ue4, maybe you could do a script to bake all of them and saving them into a folder? just like “Save Local Textures” but something like “Save Baked Materials”

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Unfortunately I have never used UE4 and don’t know anything about it, so I don’t think I can help.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Well both blender and unreal do support gltf that may allow to export materials and animations. This requires a specific principled setup though, and if you ask me the actual gltf exporter is pretty limited as for materials, no sss or refraction for example, as well as specular value, anisotropy and clear coat. So this may not fit most daz materials.

    The plugin may attempt a gltf compliant principled setup. But honestly I see too many limitations and workarounds in the gltf exporter. For sure at this stage it is much better to use eevee as a real time render engine, rather than exporting gltf to unreal.

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