Can you show me how to run the function for merge rigs via your API

Issue #1581 resolved
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I have this character that I bring in the blender and I know the code you know the easy import daz starter script that you have in your API I know that that’s set to automatically merge rigs but I know using diffeomorphic all the time the rigs don't get merged all the time even though that setting is set….

I have a specific case where that happens and the rigs don't get merged and I'd like to account for that So what I'm trying to do is figure out some way to use your API to run the merge rigs function using your selection_set function because I think that's the way you guys designed it but I'm not sure I understand how to use it could I have just an example that would work every time … to merge rigs and maybe a little inside why sometimes the rigs don't get merged even though you know easy import daz is set to merge rigs with the check box when you use the interface….

For example I know it always doesn't work in the API but I would like to try out the functionality where if it doesn't work in the API I can select all rigs in the scene and then set the active rig to be the rig that has the same name as the mesh item that's named the same as the rig with a “ Mesh” suffix and at least try that out unless you could bring more insight….

Having so much fun with your API I'm setting up a daz to blender like functionality now so whenever I save my daz file a directory is monitored and it's automatically imported into blender…. It's just that merge rigs is the hindrance now… if working with your code there's some sort of awesome like 100% perfect merge rigs functionality that no matter what we'll make sure rigs are always merged forever may I suggest that you add a merge rigs sample script to include that….. I also would like to know the exact process to do that with the interface… take care and have a terrific Thursday

Comments (8)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And one more suggestion if you took like you know just a day off and played with ChatGPT figure out what it wanted to be able to figure out your code and give that to it in the API… like a section that's 200 lines or less that would give it enough insight you know like maybe a 200 line super sample script that does all the main things so if you did post one function out of your API ChatGPT would get it…. that would be pretty cool you could stay current with the artificial intelligence age we're in because right now we'll take a long time to post your API in the ChatGPT I think at my last count it would take 10 cut and pastes…. If you guys don't have the time once I get one I'll post it…

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And I also is a free gift attached the nicest blender theme that I've ever made so far so if you're tired of the Gray interface and you want something cheerful.. I figured out a way to make blender look glassy

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The following code merges all armatures in the view-layer to an armature called Genesis 8 Female, if it exists.

    import bpy
    # Deselect all object
    # Select all armatures
    for ob in bpy.context.view_layer.objects:
        if ob.type == 'ARMATURE':
    # Make the armature called "Genesis 8 Female" the active object
    rig ="Genesis 8 Female")
    if rig and rig.type == 'ARMATURE': = rig
        # Merge rigs
        bpy.ops.daz.merge_rigs(useSubrigsOnly = True)
        print("Rig not found")

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK I'm running this on a genesis 8 female and it's not working she has a bunch of clothes rigs that didn't get automatically merged when I imported her the button works fine with default settings… any insight would be greatly appreciated I'm almost done with my automatic import like daz to blender functionality that automatically adds an action…. and then it's down to fine tuning the actions you do afterward in the dope sheet and the graph editor

    here is my blend file if you could give me some insight

    take care and have a fun Friday

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK I'm sorry was that simple ……… it was just useSubrigsOnly = False

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