Import DBZ Morph Not Working?

Issue #1600 resolved
femshoptop created an issue

In my experience with diffeomorphic 1.6, I successfully utilized the 'Import DBZ Morphs' Button without encountering any issues. However, after upgrading to version 1.7.0, I am unable to import DBZ Morphs.

Upon attempting to import a DBZ Morph in the latest version, I have observed that no error messages are displayed, yet the corresponding shape key fails to appear.

I have duly confirmed that the 'Use Rig Property Drivers' option is unchecked.

Therefore, I am left wondering whether the importation method has undergone modifications or if there is a specific aspect that I might be overlooking.

Thanks In advance for your help.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    It seems to work here, except for ERC morphs even if they are enabled. Nothing happens when I press Morph Armature.

    The code doesn't seem to be very robust, though. The tools loads the morph to the first matching mesh that it finds. So if there are several meshes with the same number of vertices, the morph may be loaded to the wrong mesh. I will look into that later.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Popping up since bugs should be fixed before enhancements and proposals, and this is long waiting already. Of course just trying to help sorting things out, not pushing anything.

    If ERCs are not supposed to work with “import DBZ morph“ then we can close as invalid.

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